Ecological Relocation: A New Approach to Poverty Alleviation

2008-01-07 05:29:30LURUCAI
CHINA TODAY 2008年11期


ROWS Of neat redbrick houses stand inLitong New Village—a stark contrast topoverty-stricken homes the residents oncelived in.Villager Kang Fuqing runs a gro-cery store here from his house, selling daily necessi-ties.In OctOber 2007, 200 families, including Kang's,moved to Litong from Nanguankou Village, YaoshanTownship,Tongxin County, to restart their lives fromscratch.Their old home lay in arid central Ningxia HuiAutonomous Region in northwest China, where the an-nual rainfall is little more than 200millimeters.The parched conditionsmeant theywere constantly facingsevere threats tO their very existence.Their new village is alsO in Ningxia,in Wuzhong City's Sunjiatan Devel-opment Zone.