The Colorful History of Chinese Stamps

2008-01-07 05:29:30HUOJIANYING
CHINA TODAY 2008年11期


IN August 1982,the First Congress of the All-China PhllatelicFederation convened in Beijing,and the Chinese Ministryof Post and Telecommunications issued a stamp sheetlet incommemoration.The stamp motif depicts an ancient couriergalloping on horseback,while in the background wild geese fly ingraceful formation.Wild geese are migratory birds,and every au-tumn they can be counted on to set off on their thousand-kilome-ter migration southward to warmer climes.With no better meansof communication.ancient Chinese who wished to send messagesover great distances took advantage of the birdsnorth-South odys-sey by attaching tiny scrolls to their feet.The phrase,“hongyanchuan shu”(wild geese deliver messages),has survived the mil-lennia to become one of the oldest idioms in the modem Chineselanguage.