ZTE Delivers a Record 10 Million Handsets in India

2007-06-19 13:56
ZTE Communications 2007年4期

ZTECorporation("ZTE"),a leading globalprovider of telecommunications equipment and network solutions,announced on November 15,2007,that it has achieved another company milestone by delivering a record of 10 million handsets in India.

"ZTEhas successfully penetrated and taken advantage of the enormous business opportunities in India,the fastest growing telecom market in the world today",says He Shiyou,Senior Vice President of ZTECorporation."ZTEhas been significantly investing in handset R&D for almost a decade now.Today,ZTEis one of the few with the capability of researching and developing all series of terminal products like 3G,GSM,CDMA,PHS,FWTand wireless data card."

ZTE's diversified business strategy focusing on integrating IP-based mobility and broadband has positioned the company as a leading handset manufacturer and supplier,globally.In India,the company has

also forged solid collaborations with several prominent telecom service providers including Reliance Communications,Tata Teleservices,and Bharti Airtel,supplying them with terminals and handsets of various levels.

ZTE's achievement in handset market in India follows the momentum from its leading position in the China market as a result of its pioneering technology from R&D and patent applications.According to China's CCID Consulting firm,ZTEranks first among companies with the most number of handset patents in China.In the first half of 2007,ZTEalso tops the ranking among the Chinese manufacturers and is in 5th position in the world with sales volume of 15 million units.

ZTEhas sold 60 million handsets in over 70 countries and regions.It is one of the mainstream suppliers of many leading and large global telecom operators including Vodafone,Hutchison and Telefonica.,PhD,is an engineer at the Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China(CNCERT/CC).He has participated in 4 projects funded by the High-tech Research and Development Program of China(863 Program),National Information Security Special Research and National Natural Science Foundation of China.He p ublished 6 technical papers.His research interests include Internet security emergency response technology and wide-scale network monitoring and early alerting.