Tammy: I don't know what to do about my father.
Mattle:What's wrong with him?
Tammy: It's his health. He doesn't take care of himself.
Mattle:Have you tried talking to him?
Tammy: I could talk to him till I'm blue in the face, and it wouldn't work.
Mattie: What about his doctor?
Talk till someone is blue in the face费尽唇舌
字面的意思为“讲到某人的脸色发青为止”,形容苦口婆心劝解或“费尽唇舌”说服。例如: You can talk till you're blue in face about it.but it is not going to changeanything.(就算你讲到口水干了,也不会有任何改变。)
Once in a blue moon难得一见地
blue moon(蓝月亮)是指“一个月中的第二次满月”。约每32个月才出现一次“一个月有两次满月”的天文现象。例如:You only clean your room once in a blue moon.(你会打扫房间还真是难得一见的事)。
海外星云 2007年16期