
2005-04-29 00:44
世界文化 2005年10期

丁 文










His Wife's Eyes

An accident unexpectedly blinded his wife, plunging her world into pitch-darkness.

Unable to go to work any more, she confined herself in the walls of the small room, bored, dejected, sad and helpless. Feeling life was no longer significant, she once had the idea of committing suicide. ″How can I live alone if you die?″ her husband consoled her, holding her in his arms after she attempted to end her life. She knew her husband could not live without her. Accordingly she decided she would live, and live well for the sake of her husband.

He put the articles for daily use in good order to facilitate her to get whatever she needed at home. Everyday, holding her hand in his, he led her to fumble about for those daily necessities one by one. He tried to help her gradually know where to find them.

To sharpen her sense of hearing, after work, he guided her across the street to the supermarket and the greengrocer's. When they were crossing the street, he told her to raise her hand and judge where she was by the noises she hear or tell the directions by the wind. One year later, she told him she could go to those places alone because she had already known how to get there.

So she started going out to buy vegetables at the greengrocer's and articles for daily use in the supermarket. But each time he followed her several meters away behind her. He would run ahead of her to stop the approaching cars while she was crossing the street. He would quietly guide her to the side to avoid an obstacle on the road. If she got lost, he would ask a passer-by to tell her the way. He would not go to work until he saw her safely home, and his wife simply knew nothing about all this.

At last came the day when he was sure that she was really competent to go shopping without him. And he let her do it by herself.

Now there are always people who give her an offer of help when she crosses the street and many people greet her the moment she comes to the greengrocer's. Not a vendor swindles or shortchanges her because of her blindness. And as soon as she steps into the supermarket, a salesperson will come over, lead her by the hand and help her in shopping.

She is touched by warm-heartedness of the people.

She feels happy, and deservedly so. Because on the back of her coat are painted two big eyes, under which are a few words: Help my wife please. Thank you!
