
2005-04-29 00:44万欣兰
世界文化 2005年8期









我说:“你看看人家送报的少年,每天5 时就起床。”







A Newsboy

When summer vacation came, a teenager started to deliver newspapers to me in place of the regular newsman.

I lived in an apartment on the sixth floor. After eight o'clock every morning, I would hear him hurrying upstairs with brisk steps. He came on time, rain or shine. If he saw the door closed, he would gently put the newspaper into the box. If he saw it unlocked, he would politely call, ″Miss Wan, here is your newspaper.″

Once I had a casual chat with him and I knew he got up at five and climbed up eighteen thousand steps every morning to take newspapers to over 200 subscribers, all of whom lived in apartment buildings.

In the scorching summer heat he rode his bicycle, passing through streets and alleys every day, dripping with sweat. He set off for work early in the morning, cheerfully clanging the bell, his short-sleeved shirt already soaked through. He had a round face and bright eyes. When he met with me, he would smile bashfully, he seemed to be carefree.

One day in late July, he came and said to me,“ College admission scores are published in today's newspaper.” As I thanked him, he went off in great haste. My son, hearing the news, sat up abruptly in bed, took the newspaper from me, scanned it and said gleefully,“ Mum, I'd be admitted into University of Posts and Communications.”

My son's words delighted me but I felt slightly irritated by his way of living like a spoilt boy:Wearing his pajamas he lay in bed in the air-conditioned room after eight and did not get up until I urged him several times. After washing his face and brushing his teeth, he would recline on the sofa, drinking milk while turning on the television and changing channels one after another. Discontentedly I said,“ You certainly need a rest after the tiring college entrance examination but you should not get up so late every day. The only way to judge if a youngster is filled with ambition is to see whether he gets up early or not.”

“That's an out-of-date idea” my son said disdainfully.

“See the newsboy. He gets up at five every day!” I retorted.

My son burst out laughing and said with contempt, ″What does he do, and who I am? I'm one of the proud lucky birds of the new century. I'll go to university and then take my master and doctor degrees and I am even ambitious enough to go abroad to further my studies.″

The newsboy came late for the first time one morning when it was pouring. He arrived at half past nine, drenched to the skin, his elbow bruised and a corner of the newspaper he handed me got wet. Like a kid doing something wrong, he said with an embarrassed expression, “ I fell off the bicycle. It has broken down. I'm sorry to come late, and the newspaper is wet ...”Just as I said it did not matter, my son grabbed the newspaper from me, angrily threw it onto the ground and shouted,“ This newspaper is wet. I can't read it. Give me a dry copy.”

I hastened to stop my son, pushing him into the apartment.

Time elapsed quickly and soon came the end of August. My son, having received the admission notice from the university, was packing his things one day when the newsboy appeared at the door on time. He handed me the newspaper and said with a smile, “Miss Wan, I'll not come tomorrow. My father, the regular newsman, will deliver newspapers to you. ”

I asked casually “What will you do then?”“I'm admitted into Beijing University. I'll leave tomorrow.”

So surprised I was that I could not say a word. ″ My father is an unemployed worker, in poor health,″ he went on, ″Please excuse him if he is late occasionally in the days to come.″ With the words, he bowed to me and went downstairs.

重庆邮电大学学报( 自然科学版》2016年第28卷第1-6期总第114-125期
加强课堂教学的设计 消除学习数学的误点