- 文化空间视阈下的传统村落可持续性保护
- 旅游资源规模化开发与农牧民生计方式转换
- 四川藏区精准扶贫实效调查研究
- 土司研究取向的新视野
- 唐王朝在巴蜀民族地区行政管理机构的设立
- 信仰食物:祭品的神性“营养”
- 营养人类学研究简述
- 猎人、猎物、腐食者?
- 史诗传奇与萨迦小说中的神话结构
- 东南中国的乡土与命运
- 骆越花山岩画的稻作文化解读
- 西南少数民族曲艺研究现状与前瞻
- 北川传统羌族萨朗舞调查研究
- The Sustainable Protection of Traditional Villages from the Perspective of CulturalSpace
- The Largescale Development of Tourism Resources and the Transformation of the AgroPastoralists Means of Livelihood
- A Survey of the Effects of “Precise” Poverty Alleviationin Tibetan Areas of Sichuan Province
- New Horizons in the Orientation of TusiStudies
- The Establishment of Administrative Institutions in Ethnic Minority Areas of BaShu in the Tang Dynasty
- Sacred Food: The Divine “Nutrition” in Sacrificial Offerings
- A Review of Nutritional Anthropology
- Hunter, Prey and the Scavenger?
- The Mythological Structure in the Epic and Saga
- Native Soil and Destiny of Southeastern China
- An Interpretation of the Culture of Rice Cultivation in Luoyue Huashan Rock Paintings
- The Current Reseach Status of Quyi Art Forms of the Southwest Ethnic Minorities and Its Prospect
- An Investigation of the Traditional SalangDance of the Qiang in Beichuan