- “五个发展”理念与民族地区经济社会全面发展研究郑长德
- 西部民族地区生态文明建设问题探析
- 西部民族地区旅游生态补偿政策实施的实践探索
- 人类学的香料研究与“客体叙事”
- 香料与世界
- 远行的“油香根”
- 创新理念推进自治制度运行和自治地方治理现代化
- 极端民族主义恐怖犯罪的刑事控制及其评价
- 台湾排湾族头饰特征及文化内涵
- 中缅边境城镇缅甸籍人员生计方式与生活空间
- 历史神话与真实:藏族古典文献的事实构建与想象表述
- 康定锅庄文化遗产价值新阐释
- A Study on the “Five Development Concepts” and Comprehensive Development of the Social Economy in Ethnic Areas
- Analysis of the Construction of Ecological Civilizationin the Western Ethnic Areas
- An Investigation into the Implementation of an Ecological Compensation Policy forTourism in the Western Ethnic Areas
- An Anthropological Study of Spice and “Object of Narration ”
- Spice and the World
- The Concept of Innovation, Promoting Running ofAutonomous Systems and the Modernization ofthe Governance in Autonomous Regions
- Criminal Control and Evaluation of ExtremeNationalist Terrorist Crime
- A Research on the Artistic Characteristics of the Headdress of the Paiwan in Taiwan
- Means of Livelihood and Living Space of Registered Burmese Nationals Living in the Towns in the Sino—Burmese Border Area
- Historical Myth and the Truth: the Construction of Factand the Power of Imagination in Tibetan Historiography
- New Interpretations of the Cultural Heritage Value of Kangding Guozhuang from A Comprehensive Perspective