Journal of Semiconductors
- Photodetectors based on 2D material/Si heterostructure
- A new single-element layered two-dimensional semiconductor:black arsenic
- Physical vapor deposited 2D bismuth for CMOS technology
- Tellurene: An elemental 2D monolayer material beyond its bulk phases without van der Waals layered structures
- Recent progress in 2D group-V elemental monolayers:fabrications and properties
- Controlled growth of Mo2C pyramids on liquid Cu surface
- High-performance junction field-effect transistor based on black phosphorus/β-Ga2O3 heterostructure
- On the mystery of the absence of a spin-orbit gap in scanning tunneling microscopy spectra of germanene
- P hoto-induced doping effect and dynamic process in monolayer MoSe2
- Strain tunable band structure of a new 2D carbon allotrope C568
- First-principle study of puckered arsenene MOSFET