Journal of Semiconductors
- Ohmic contacts for atomically-thin transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors
- Controlling spins in silicon quantum dots
- Preface to the Special Issue on Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Systems
- Contact engineering for two-dimensional semiconductors
- Growth of large-scale two-dimensional insulator Na2Ta4O11 through chemical vapor deposition
- Metal–insulator transition in few-layered GaTe transistors
- Mn doping effects on the gate-tunable transport properties of Cd3As2 films epitaxied on GaAs
- Charge transport and quantum confinement in MoS2 dual-gated transistors
- Gate-regulated transition temperatures for electron hopping behaviours in silicon junctionless nanowire transistors
- Non-volatile optical memory in vertical van der Waals heterostructures
- Graphene plasmonic nanoresonators/graphene heterostructures for efficient room-temperature infrared photodetection