Journal of Literature and Art Studies
Literature Studies
- Material Dwellings in Paradise Lost
- The Research on Death in King Lear
- A Study on the Metaphorical Translation of Pound’s Book of Songs from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics
- Body Writing and the Construction of Female Subjectivity in The Company of Wolves
- The Outcasts in The Grass Is Singing
- The Images of“Scapegoat”in Young Goodman Brown
Culture Studies
- In the Arms of Unconsciousness:Capitalism,Creative Economy,and the End of Rest in Gustavo Vinagre’s Unlearning to Sleep
- Revise and Statistical Analysis of the Alien Press Errors in History of Chinese Journalism by Ko Kung-chen
- Indian Ocean Regional Studies in Perspective of the Community of Shared Future for Mankind?
Linguistic Studies
- Didactics of Languages:Implementing Dynamic Exchanges and Enhancing the Potential of Creativity in a Mentoring Context
- Exploration and Reflection on College Online English Teaching in Henan Police College
- The Desirability of Integrating Chinese Culture into College English Teaching:A Case Study
- The Media Images of Old Influencers on TikTok:A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis
- Indirect Request’s Processing Based on Force-Dynamic Theory
- Multimodal Discourse Analysis—A Corpus-based Study
- The Chinese-English Translation of Sun Tzu’s Art of War from the Perspective of Bourdieusian Sociology