Journal of Meteorological Research
- Interannual Variability of the Wintertime Northern Branch High Ridge in the Subtropical Westerlies and Its Relationship with Winter Climate in China
- A Piecewise Modeling Approach for Climate Sensitivity Studies:Tests with a Shallow-Water Model
- Characteristics and Mechanisms of the Sudden Warming Events in the Nocturnal Atmospheric Boundary Layer:A Case Study Using WRF
- A New Evaporation Duct Climatology over the South China Sea
- Cloud Radiative Forcing Induced by Layered Clouds and Associated Impact on the Atmospheric Heating Rate
- Dust Aerosol Effects on Cirrus and Altocumulus Clouds in Northwest China
- Modification of Cumulus Convection and Planetary Boundary Layer Schemes in the GRAPES Global Model
- Validation of the Modified Becker's Split-Window Approach for Retrieving Land Surface Temperature from AVHRR
- Characterization of Drought and Its Assessment over Sindh,Pakistan During 1951-2010
- Analysis of Tibetan Plateau Vortex Activities Using ERA-Interim Data for the Period 1979-2013