Journal of Integrative Agriculture
- Transgenic japonica rice expressing the cry1C gene is resistant to striped stem borers in Northeast China
- Genetic dissection of wheat uppermost-internode diameter and its association with agronomic traits in five recombinant inbred line populations at various field environments
- ldentification of quantitative trait loci and candidate genes controlling seed pigments of rapeseed
- Estimating wheat fractional vegetation cover using a density peak k-means algorithm based on hyperspectral image data
- Optimizing the application of a novel harvest aid to improve the quality of mechanically harvested cotton in the North China Plain
- Construction of high-density SNP genetic maps and QTL mapping for dwarf-related traits in Litchi chinensis Sonn
- Transcriptome analysis reveals effects of red and blue lightemitting diodes (LEDs) on the growth,chlorophyll fluorescence and endogenous plant hormones of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)plantlets cultured in vitro
- Potassium deficiency inhibits steviol glycosides synthesis by limiting leaf sugar metabolism in stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) plants
- The putative elongator complex protein Elp3 is involved in asexual development and pathogenicity by regulating autophagy in the rice blast fungus
- Three Sclerotinia species as the cause of white mold on pea in Chongqing and Sichuan of China
- Three sensitive and reliable serological assays for detection of potato virus A in potato plants
- The sex peptide receptor in the Asian gypsy moth,Lymantria dispar,is involved in development and stress resistance
- UBE2l stimulates female gonadal differentiation in chicken (Gallus gallus) embryos
- Analysis of DNA methylation of CD79B in MDV-infected chicken spleen
- Divergent responses of tiller and grain yield to fertilization and fallow precipitation:lnsights from a 28-year long-term experiment in a semiarid winter wheat system
- Yield performance and optimal nitrogen and phosphorus application rates in wheat and faba bean intercropping
- Modification of total and phosphorus mineralizing bacterial communities associated with Zea mays L.through plant development and fertilization regimes
- Linking changes in the soil microbial community to C and N dynamics during crop residue decomposition
- Melatonin treatment induces chilling tolerance by regulating the contents of polyamine,γ-aminobutyric acid,and proline in cucumber fruit
- Application of methyl jasmonate postharvest maintains the quality of Nanguo pears by regulating mitochondrial energy metabolism
- Viricidal activity of several disinfectants against African swine fever virus
- Errata regarding previously published articles