Journal of Integrative Agriculture
- Triple bottom-line consideration of sustainable plant disease management:From economic,sociological and ecological perspectives
- A rice geranylgeranyl reductase is essential for chloroplast development
- lmpacts of climate change on drought risk of winter wheat in the North China Plain
- Rapid determination of leaf water content for monitoring waterlogging in winter wheat based on hyperspectral parameters
- Does nitrogen application rate affect the moisture content of corn grains?
- Effects of drought stress on root morphology and spatial distribution of soybean and adzuki bean
- Genome-wide analysis of the invertase genes in strawberry(Fragaria×ananassa)
- Genome-wide analysis of the SCPL gene family in grape (Vitis vinifera L.)
- Optimization of rhizosphere cooling airflow for microclimate regulation and its effects on lettuce growth in plant factory
- Combining simplified DNA extraction technology and recombinase polymerase amplification assay for rapid and equipment-free detection of citrus pathogen Phytophthora parasitica
- Isolation and molecular characterization of entomopathogenic nematode,Heterorhabditis sp.from an arable land in Nigeria
- Egg tanning improves the efficiency of CRlSPR/Cas9-mediated mutant locust production by enhancing defense ability after microinjection
- Optimization of the sex pheromone-based method for trapping field populations of Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) in South China
- Integration of association and computational methods reveals functional variants of LEPR gene for abdominal fat content in chickens
- Follicle-stimulating hormone is expressed in ovarian follicles of chickens and promotes ovarian granulosa cell proliferation
- Changes in organic C stability within soil aggregates under different fertilization patterns in a greenhouse vegetable field
- Regional distribution of wheat yield and chemical fertilizer requirements in China
- lncreased ammonification,nitrogenase,soil respiration and microbial biomass N in the rhizosphere of rice plants inoculated with rhizobacteria
- Bacterial diversity and community composition changes in paddy soils that have different parent materials and fertility levels
- Food safety inspection and the adoption of traceability in aquatic wholesale markets:A game-theoretic model and empirical evidence
- Assessing the impact of non-governmental organization’s extension programs on sustainable cocoa production and household income in Ghana
- Errata regarding previously published articles