Journal of Integrative Agriculture
- lnfectious disease-resistant pigs:Will they fly?
- Crop photosynthetic response to light quality and light intensity
- Alginate oligosaccharides preparation,biological activities and their application in livestock and poultry
- Genome-wide pedigree analysis of elite rice Shuhui 527 reveals key regions for breeding
- TaSnRK2.4 is a vital regulator in control of thousand-kernel weight and response to abiotic stress in wheat
- Development and characterization of new allohexaploid resistant to web blotch in peanut
- Compact plant type rice has higher lodging and N resistance under machine transplanting
- N,P and K use efficiency and maize yield responses to fertilization modes and densities
- Efficiency of seed bio-priming technique for healthy mungbean productivity under terminal drought stress
- Reduced square Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal protein content of transgenic cotton under N deficit
- Metabolic responses to combined water deficit and salt stress in maize primary roots
- Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of MYB transcription factor genes in radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
- lntegrative analysis of the metabolome and transcriptome reveals seed germination mechanism in Punica granatum L.
- StKU80,a component in the NHEJ repair pathway,is involved in mycelial morphogenesis,conidiation,appressorium development,and oxidative stress reactions in Exserohilum turcicum
- In-vitro assessment for the control of Fusarium species using a lactic acid bacterium isolated from yellow pitahaya (Selenicereus megalanthus (K.Schum.Ex Vaupel Moran))
- ldentification and resistant characterization of legume sources against Meloidogyne incognita
- Performance and transcriptomic response of the English grain aphid,Sitobion avenae,feeding on resistant and susceptible wheat cultivars
- lnvasionDB:A genome and gene database of invasive alien species
- ldentification and functional prediction of long intergenic noncoding RNAs in fetal porcine longissimus dorsi muscle
- Switches in transcriptome functions during seven skeletal muscle development stages from fetus to kid in Capra hircus
- Effects of selenium source and level on growth performance,antioxidative ability and meat quality of broilers
- Effects of long-term straw return on soil organic carbon fractions and enzyme activities in a double-cropped rice paddy in South China
- Nitrogen release and re-adsorption dynamics on crop straw residue during straw decomposition in an Alfisol
- Optimization of water and nitrogen management for surge-root irrigated apple trees in the Loess Plateau of China
- Estimating daily actual evapotranspiration of a rice-wheat rotation system in typical farmland in the Huai River Basin using a two-step model and two one-step models
- lmpact of climate change on maize yield in China from 1979 to 2016
- Use of two-stage dough mixing process in improving water distribution of dough and qualities of bread made from wheatpotato flour
- ATP regulates the phosphorylation and degradation of myofibrillar proteins in ground ovine muscle
- Driving factors of direct greenhouse gas emissions from China’s pig industry from 1976 to 2016
- The dynamic impact of income and income distribution on food consumption among adults in rural China