期刊简介 《老年心脏病学杂志(英文版)》(Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, JGC)是由中国人民解放军总医院主管、解放军总医院老年心血管病研究所主办、科学出版社第二主办的国际性医学学术期刊。该杂志创刊于2004年,国际标准刊号ISSN1671-5411,国内统一刊号CN11-5329/R。《老年心脏病学杂志(英文版)》致力于国际老年心脏病学交流,特别是将国内老年心脏病学及相关领域的学术进展介绍给国外同行。主要栏目有临床研究、基础研究、综述、病例报告、专题论文集、读者来信等。目前该刊已经被SCIE、PubMed Central (PMC)、Scopus、EMBase、Chemical Abstract(CA)、DOAJ、Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD)、WanFang Data、CAS-OAJ、Open J-Gate 及Google Scholar等国内、国际重要文献检索系统收录, 是中国大陆心血管领域第一本被SCI收录的期刊。 特色与优势 快速评审:所有来稿均可在一个月内得到审稿意见,接受稿件可在三个月内发表;评审专家阵容强大:我们有来自世界各地的360名心血管领域专家为我们审稿,能保证每篇稿件的审稿质量,即使您的文章经评审后不能在本杂志上发表,详尽的评审意见也会对您的研究起到非常好的促进作用;文章可见度高:本刊目前被许多国际著名医学数据库收录,比如SCIE、PubMed、Scopus、 EMBase等,保证了每篇发表文章的可见度。
Journal of Geriatric Cardiology
- Journal of Geriatric Cardiology
- Hybrid coronary revascularization vs. percutaneous coronary interventions for multivessel coronary artery disease
- Comparison of outcomes for percutaneous coronary intervention in men and women with unprotected left main disease
- Effects of the total physical activity and its changes on incidence, progression, and remission of hypertension
- Association of changes in waist circumference with cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality among the elderly Chinese population: a retrospective cohort study
- Factors associated with change in frailty scores and long-term outcomes in older adults with coronary artery disease
- Associations between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and haemorrhagic stroke
- Optimal dual antiplatelet therapy strategy in elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome
- Heart failure in the elderly
- A world's first attempt of mixed-reality system guided inferior vena cava filter implantation under remote guidance of 5G communication
- A rare sighting: left atrial appendage thrombus seen on transthoracic echocardiogram
- Application of endovascular pure electrocoagulation in the management of coronary artery perforation during percutaneous coronary intervention