Geodesy and Geodynamics
- A SCR method for uncertainty estimation in geodesy non-linear error propagation: Comparisons and applications
- Consistency analysis of GRACE and GRACE-FO data in the study of global mean sea level change
- A combined denoising method of empirical mode decomposition and singular spectrum analysis applied to Jason altimeter waveforms: A case of the Caspian Sea
- Determination of altitudes of the three main Ecuadorian summits through GNSS positioning
- Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system for predicting sub-daily Zenith Wet Delay
- Active tectonics of the eastern java based on a decade of recent continuous geodetic observation
- Genetic Nelder-Mead neural network algorithm for fault parameter inversion using GPS data
- Analysis of the common model error on velocity field under Colored noise model by GPS and InSAR: A case study in the Nepal and everest region
- Dual threshold search method for asperity boundary determination based on geodetic and seismic catalog data
- Evolution of stress fields during the supercontinent cycle