Geodesy and Geodynamics
- Editorial note for the Geodesy and Geodynamics journal special issue:Remote Sensing and GIS applications in crustal deformation and neotectonics
- Quaternary tectonic history of seismically active intraplate Kachchh Rift Basin, western India: A review
- Response of drainage to tectonics and PS-InSAR derived deformation study in Bilaspur, northwestern Himalaya, India
- Manifestation of earthquake preparation zone in the ionosphere before 2021 Sonitpur, Assam earthquake revealed by GPS-TEC data
- Integrated water vapor during active and break spells of monsoon and its relationship with temperature, precipitation and precipitation efficiency over a tropical site
- Geodetic characterization of active Katrol Hill Fault (KHF) of Central Mainland Kachchh, western India
- Crustal deformation measurements by global positioning system(GPS) along NSL, western India
- Quality assessment of Continuous Operating Reference Stations(CORS) - GPS stations in Mexico
- Assessment of geodetic strain and stress variations in Nepal due to 25 April 2015 Gorkha earthquake: Insights from the GNSS data analysis and b-value
- Relative active tectonics evaluation using geomorphic and drainage indices, in Dadra and Nagar Haveli, western India
- Magnetic fabric and geomorphic characteristic of Neotectonic activity along strike direction of North Almora Thrust, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, India