Computers Materials&Continua
- Hybrid Renewable Energy Resources Management for Optimal Energy Operation in Nano-Grid
- HELP-WSN-A Novel Adaptive Multi-Tier Hybrid Intelligent Framework for QoS Aware WSN-IoT Networks
- Plant Disease Diagnosis and Image Classification Using Deep Learning
- Structure Preserving Algorithm for Fractional Order Mathematical Model of COVID-19
- Cost Estimate and Input Energy of Floor Systems in Low Seismic Regions
- Numerical Analysis of Laterally Loaded Long Piles in Cohesionless Soil
- Noisy ECG Signal Data Transformation to Augment Classification Accuracy
- Deep Image Restoration Model:A Defense Method Against Adversarial Attacks
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Addressing Disruptions in Traffic Light Control
- An Improved DeepNN with Feature Ranking for Covid-19 Detection
- Inkjet Printed Metamaterial Loaded Antenna for WLAN/WiMAX Applications
- Optimizing Steering Angle Predictive Convolutional Neural Network for Autonomous Car
- Forecasting of Appliances House in a Low-Energy Depend on Grey Wolf Optimizer
- ICMPTend:Internet Control Message Protocol Covert Tunnel Attack Intent Detector
- Exploring the Approaches to Data Flow Computing
- Big Data Analytics Using Swarm-Based Long Short-Term Memory for Temperature Forecasting
- CDLSTM:A Novel Model for Climate Change Forecasting
- Metamaterial-Based Compact Antenna with Defected Ground Structure for 5G and Beyond
- PLC Protection System Based on Verification Separation
- Ensemble Learning Based Collaborative Filtering with Instance Selection and Enhanced Clustering
- Feature Selection for Cluster Analysis in Spectroscopy
- Curvelet Transform Based on Edge Preserving Filter for Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation
- Skin Lesion Segmentation and Classification Using Conventional and Deep Learning Based Framework
- Smart-Fragile Authentication Scheme for Robust Detecting of Tampering Attacks on English Text
- Hyper Elliptic Curve Based Certificateless Signcryption Scheme for Secure IIoT Communications
- Low Profile UHF Antenna Design for Low Earth-Observation CubeSats
- Design of Automated Opinion Mining Model Using Optimized Fuzzy Neural Network
- Automated Patient Discomfort Detection Using Deep Learning
- IoMT-Enabled Fusion-Based Model to Predict Posture for Smart Healthcare Systems
- Blockchain Based Secured Load Balanced Task Scheduling Approach for Fitness Service
- Encoder-Decoder Based LSTM Model to Advance User QoE in 360-Degree Video
- A Zero-Watermark Scheme Based on Quaternion Generalized Fourier Descriptor for Multiple Images
- Performance Evaluation of Topological Infrastructure in Internet-of-Things-Enabled Serious Games
- A Novel Workload-Aware and Optimized Write Cycles in NVRAM
- Edge Metric Dimension of Honeycomb and Hexagonal Networks for IoT
- Novel Algorithm for Mobile Robot Path Planning in Constrained Environment
- New 5G Kaiser-Based Windowing to Reduce Out of Band Emission
- Efficient Joint Key Authentication Model in E-Healthcare
- Evaluating the Efficiency of CBAM-Resnet Using Malaysian Sign Language
- Optical Flow with Learning Feature for Deformable Medical Image Registration
- Chaotic Whale Optimized Fractional Order PID Controller Design for Desalination Process
- Intelligent Transmission Control for Efficient Operations in SDN
- Generating A New Shilling Attack for Recommendation Systems
- Gaining-Sharing Knowledge Based Algorithm for Solving Stochastic Programming Problems
- Machine Learning-Based Advertisement Banner Identification Technique for Effective Piracy Website Detection Process
- Incremental Learning Framework for Mining Big Data Stream
- A New Metaheuristic Approach to Solving Benchmark Problems:Hybrid Salp Swarm Jaya Algorithm
- BERT-CNN:A Deep Learning Model for Detecting Emotions from Text
- Multi-Scale Image Segmentation Model for Fine-Grained Recognition of Zanthoxylum Rust
- The Mathematical Model for Streptococcus suis Infection in Pig-Human Population with Humidity Effect
- SSA-HIAST:A Novel Framework for Code Clone Detection
- Live Migration of Virtual Machines Using a Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System
- Robust Reversible Audio Watermarking Scheme for Telemedicine and Privacy Protection
- A Deep Two-State Gated Recurrent Unit for Particulate Matter(PM2.5)Concentration Forecasting
- A Robust Video Watermarking Scheme with Squirrel Search Algorithm
- Attention-Based Bi-LSTM Model for Arabic Depression Classification
- Robust Watermarking Scheme for NIfTI Medical Images
- Analysis and Modeling of Propagation in Tunnel at 3.7 and 28 GHz
- Deep Learning Based Automated Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Dermoscopy
- Partially Overlapping Channel Assignment Using Bonded and Non-Bonded Channels in IEEE 802.11n WLAN
- Correlation Analysis of Energy Consumption of Agricultural Rotorcraft
- A Multi-Factor Authentication-Based Framework for Identity Management in Cloud Applications
- Interpretable and Adaptable Early Warning Learning Analytics Model
- AMC Integrated Multilayer Wearable Antenna for Multiband WBAN Applications
- Optimization Analysis of Sustainable Solar Power System for Mobile Communication Systems
- Efficient Forgery Detection Approaches for Digital Color Images
- A DQN-Based Cache Strategy for Mobile Edge Networks
- Proposed Different Signal Processing Tools for Efficient Optical Wireless Communications
- Multi-Agent Deep Q-Networks for Efficient Edge Federated Learning Communications in Software-Defined IoT
- Automated Identification Algorithm Using CNN for Computer Vision in Smart Refrigerators
- Modelling and Verification of Context-Aware Intelligent Assistive Formalism
- Two-Tier Clustering with Routing Protocol for IoT Assisted WSN
- Webpage Matching Based on Visual Similarity
- Automated Grading of Breast Cancer Histopathology Images Using Multilayered Autoencoder
- Image Dehazing Based on Pixel Guided CNN with PAM via Graph Cut
- A Novel Hybrid Tunicate Swarm Naked Mole-Rat Algorithm for Image Segmentation and Numerical Optimization
- Twitter Arabic Sentiment Analysis to Detect Depression Using Machine Learning
- Optimizing Energy Conservation in V2X Communications for 5G Networks
- Algorithm Development of Cloud Removal from Solar Images Based on Pix2Pix Network
- Optimization of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System Using Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm
- A Hybrid Modified Sine Cosine Algorithm Using Inverse Filtering and Clipping Methods for Low Autocorrelation Binary Sequences
- Deep Neural Network and Pseudo Relevance Feedback Based Query Expansion
- Path Planning Based on the Improved RRT*Algorithm for the Mining Truck
- VANET Jamming and Adversarial Attack Defense for Autonomous Vehicle Safety
- Intelligent Model for Predicting the Quality of Services Violation
- Computational Algorithms for the Analysis of Cancer Virotherapy Model
- Evolution of Desertification Types on the North Shore of Qinghai Lake
- Arabic Fake News Detection Using Deep Learning
- Citrus Diseases Recognition Using Deep Improved Genetic Algorithm
- Radio Optical Network Simulation Tool(RONST)
- An Enhanced Privacy Preserving,Secure and Efficient Authentication Protocol for VANET
- Research on Optimization of Random Forest Algorithm Based on Spark
- Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Classical-Quantum Transfer Learning Approach and Probability Model
- Prediction of Changed Faces with HSCNN
- Empathic Responses of Behavioral-Synchronization in Human-Agent Interaction
- Design of QoS Aware Routing Protocol for IoT Assisted Clustered WSN
- An Experimental Simulation of Addressing Auto-Configuration Issues for Wireless Sensor Networks
- An IoT-Based Intrusion Detection System Approach for TCP SYN Attacks
- Modeling of Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical Mental Disorder Diagnosis
- Detection of Low Sugar Concentration Solution Using Frequency Selective Surface(FSS)
- TinyML-Based Fall Detection for Connected Personal Mobility Vehicles
- LDSVM:Leukemia Cancer Classification Using Machine Learning
- Computational Investigation of Multiband EMNZ Metamaterial Absorber for Terahertz Applications
- CryptoNight Mining Algorithm with YAC Consensus for Social Media Marketing Using Blockchain
- The Impact of Semi-Supervised Learning on the Performance of Intelligent Chatbot System
- Modeling of Artificial Intelligence Based Traffic Flow Prediction with Weather Conditions
- Intelligent Classification Model for Biomedical Pap Smear Images on IoT Environment
- Industrial Automation Information Analogy for Smart Grid Security
- OBSO Based Fractional PID for MPPT-Pitch Control of Wind Turbine Systems
- Optimization of Deep Learning Model for Plant Disease Detection Using Particle Swarm Optimizer
- Estimating Weibull Parameters Using Least Squares and Multilayer Perceptron vs.Bayes Estimation
- Distance Matrix and Markov Chain Based Sensor Localization in WSN
- Intelligent Fuzzy Based High Gain Non-Isolated Converter for DC Micro-Grids
- Design and Simulation of Ring Network-on-Chip for Different Configured Nodes
- Improved DHOA-Fuzzy Based Load Scheduling in IoT Cloud Environment
- From Network Functions to NetApps:The 5GASP Methodology
- Integration of Fog Computing for Health Record Management Using Blockchain Technology
- An Automated Real-Time Face Mask Detection System Using Transfer Learning with Faster-RCNN in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Object Detection for Cargo Unloading System Based on Fuzzy C Means