Computers Materials&Continua
- Polygonal Finite Element for Two-Dimensional Lid-Driven Cavity Flow
- Multi-Step Detection of Simplex and Duplex Wormhole Attacks over Wireless Sensor Networks
- Fuzzy Based Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Intrusion Detection in Cloud Using ML
- Automatic Detection and Classification of Human Knee Osteoarthritis Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- An Efficient Proxy Blind Signcryption Scheme for IoT
- An Access Control Scheme Using Heterogeneous Signcryption for IoT Environments
- An Intent-Driven Closed-Loop Platform for 5G Network Service Orchestration
- Simulation of Non-Isothermal Turbulent Flows Through Circular Rings of Steel
- Ensembles of Deep Learning Framework for Stomach Abnormalities Classification
- Prediction of Extremist Behaviour and Suicide Bombing from Terrorism Contents Using Supervised Learning
- Blockchain and Machine Learning for Intelligent Multiple Factor-Based Ride-Hailing Services
- A Hybrid Model for Reliability Aware and Energy-Efficiency in Multicore Systems
- Deep Neural Artificial Intelligence for IoT Based Tele Health Data Analytics
- Distributed Secure Storage Scheme Based on Sharding Blockchain
- Medical Data Clustering and Classification Using TLBO and Machine Learning Algorithms
- Novel Quantum Algorithms to Minimize Switching Functions Based on Graph Partitions
- Convolutional Neural Network Based Intelligent Handwritten Document Recognition
- Dual-Port Content Addressable Memory for Cache Memory Applications
- Deep Learning Based Modeling of Groundwater Storage Change
- EEG-Based Neonatal Sleep Stage Classification Using Ensemble Learning
- Mechanical Properties of All MoS2 Monolayer Heterostructures:Crack Propagation and Existing Notch Study
- Analytic Beta-Wavelet Transform-Based Digital Image Watermarking for Secure Transmission
- Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Using 3D-CNN and LSTM Networks
- Position Control of Flexible Joint Carts Using Adaptive Generalized Dynamics Inversion
- Ontology Based Ocean Knowledge Representation for Semantic Information Retrieval
- A Non-Destructive Time Series Model for the Estimation of Cherry Coffee Production
- Reactions’Descriptors Selection and Yield Estimation Using Metaheuristic Algorithms and Voting Ensemble
- BERT for Conversational Question Answering Systems Using Semantic Similarity Estimation
- Error Detection and Pattern Prediction Through Phase II Process Monitoring
- IRKO:An Improved Runge-Kutta Optimization Algorithm for Global Optimization Problems
- A Hybrid Neural Network and Box-Jenkins Models for Time Series Forecasting
- Improved Software Implementation for Montgomery Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem
- Defocus Blur Segmentation Using Genetic Programming and Adaptive Threshold
- Optimal Confidential Mechanisms in Smart City Healthcare
- Towards Securing Machine Learning Models Against Membership Inference Attacks
- Machine Learning Approaches to Detect DoS and Their Effect on WSNs Lifetime
- Personality Detection Using Context Based Emotions in Cognitive Agents
- Hybrid Sensor Selection Technique for Lifetime Extension of Wireless Sensor Networks
- A Novel Auto-Annotation Technique for Aspect Level Sentiment Analysis
- Alzheimer Disease Detection Empowered with Transfer Learning
- Semantic Information Extraction from Multi-Corpora Using Deep Learning
- Local-Tetra-Patterns for Face Recognition Encoded on Spatial Pyramid Matching
- Convolutional Neural Network-Based Regression for Predicting the Chloride Ion Diffusion Coefficient of Concrete
- Controller Placement in Software Defined Internet of Things Using Optimization Algorithm
- Forecasting E-Commerce Adoption Based on Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks
- Multi-View Multi-Modal Head-Gaze Estimation for Advanced Indoor User Interaction
- Fractional Order Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Linear Flexible Joint System
- Accurate Multi-Site Daily-Ahead Multi-Step PM2.5 Concentrations Forecasting Using Space-Shared CNN-LSTM
- IoT-Cloud Empowered Aerial Scene Classification for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Leveraging Active Decremental TTL Measuring for Flexible and Efficient NAT Identification
- Predicting Resource Availability in Local Mobile Crowd Computing Using Convolutional GRU
- Wi-Fi Positioning Dataset with Multiusers and Multidevices Considering Spatio-Temporal Variations
- Artificial Intelligence Enabled Apple Leaf Disease Classification for Precision Agriculture
- Efficient Morphological Segmentation of Brain Hemorrhage Stroke Lesion Through MultiResUNet
- Deep Neural Network Driven Automated Underwater Object Detection
- Intelligent Multilevel Node Authentication in Mobile Computing Using Clone Node
- An Auction-Based Recommender System for Over-The-Top Platform
- Disease Diagnosis System Using IoT Empowered with Fuzzy Inference System
- Automatic Detection of Nephrops Norvegicus Burrows from Underwater Imagery Using Deep Learning
- Using Capsule Networks for Android Malware Detection Through Orientation-Based Features
- A Hybrid Deep Learning-Based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in High Dimensional Data
- Beamforming Performance Analysis of Millimeter-Wave 5G Wireless Networks
- Sentiment Analysis on Social Media Using Genetic Algorithm with CNN
- Indoor Electromagnetic Radiation Intensity Relationship to Total Energy of Household Appliances
- Suggestion of Maintenance Criteria for Electric Railroad Facilities Based on Fuzzy TOPSIS
- Deep Stacked Ensemble Learning Model for COVID-19 Classification
- Two-Mode Biomedical Sensor Build-up:Characterization of Optical Amplifier
- Fusion of Infrared and Visible Images Using Fuzzy Based Siamese Convolutional Network
- Robust Length of Stay Prediction Model for Indoor Patients
- An OWL-Based Specification of Database Management Systems
- Preserving Privacy of User Identity Based on Pseudonym Variable in 5G
- Aeroelastic Optimization of the High Aspect Ratio Wing with Aileron
- An Optimal Text Watermarking Method for Sensitive Detecting of Illegal Tampering Attacks
- Fuzzy-Based Automatic Epileptic Seizure Detection Framework
- MLA:A New Mutated Leader Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems
- SDN Based DDos Mitigating Approach Using Traffic Entropy for IoT Network
- Intelligent Deep Learning Based Disease Diagnosis Using Biomedical Tongue Images
- Estimating Usable-Security Through Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Term Sets Based Technique
- Graph Transformer for Communities Detection in Social Networks
- Handover Mechanism Based on Underwater Hybrid Software-Defined Modem in Advanced Diver Networks
- 2D Finite Element Analysis of Asynchronous Machine Influenced Under Power Quality Perturbations
- Deep Q-Learning Based Optimal Query Routing Approach for Unstructured P2P Network
- Intelligent Integrated Model for Improving Performance in Power Plants
- Machine Learning Based Depression,Anxiety,and Stress Predictive Model During COVID-19 Crisis
- Comparative Study of Transfer Learning Models for Retinal Disease Diagnosis from Fundus Images
- Artificial Intelligence Based Clustering with Routing Protocol for Internet of Vehicles
- Ontology Driven Testing Strategies for IoT Applications
- Intelligent Deep Learning Based Automated Fish Detection Model for UWSN
- Energy Efficiency Trade-off with Spectral Efficiency in MIMO Systems
- An Improved Convolutional Neural Network Model for DNA Classification
- An Energy-Efficient Mobile Agent-Based Data Aggregation Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks
- Improved Dragonfly Optimizer for Intrusion Detection Using Deep Clustering CNN-PSO Classifier
- Laboratory Evaluation of Fiber-Modified Asphalt Mixtures Incorporating Steel Slag Aggregates
- Primary User-Awareness-Based Energy-Efficient Duty-Cycle Scheme in Cognitive Radio Networks
- SutteARIMA:A Novel Method for Forecasting the Infant Mortality Rate in Indonesia
- Malaria Parasite Detection Using a Quantum-Convolutional Network
- An Intelligent Forecasting Model for Disease Prediction Using Stack Ensembling Approach
- An Efficient CNN-Based Hybrid Classification and Segmentation Approach for COVID-19 Detection
- A Global Training Model for Beat Classification Using Basic Electrocardiogram Morphological Features
- RSS-Based Indoor Localization System with Single Base Station
- Design of Latency-Aware IoT Modules in Heterogeneous Fog-Cloud Computing Networks
- Analysis of Pneumonia Model via Efficient Computing Techniques
- Incentive-Driven Approach for Misbehavior Avoidance in Vehicular Networks
- Efficient Deep-Learning-Based Autoencoder Denoising Approach for Medical Image Diagnosis
- Wireless Sensor Networks Routing Attacks Prevention with Blockchain and Deep Neural Network
- A Secure Key Agreement Scheme for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-Based Crowd Monitoring System
- Ultra-wideband Frequency Selective Surface for Communication Applications
- Estimating Fuel-Efficient Air Plane Trajectories Using Machine Learning
- Educational Videos Subtitles’Summarization Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Length Enhancement
- A Novel Binary Emperor Penguin Optimizer for Feature Selection Tasks
- Deep Learning Empowered Cybersecurity Spam Bot Detection for Online Social Networks
- ATS:A Novel Time-Sharing CPU Scheduling Algorithm Based on Features Similarities
- Artificial Intelligence Based Optimal Functional Link Neural Network for Financial Data Science
- Extremal Coalitions for Influence Games Through Swarm Intelligence-Based Methods
- Deep Learning Based Intelligent Industrial Fault Diagnosis Model
- Swarm-Based Extreme Learning Machine Models for Global Optimization
- An Optimized Deep Learning Model for Emotion Classification in Tweets
- Spark Spectrum Allocation for D2D Communication in Cellular Networks