为加强中国与世界的鸟类学学术交流,提高中国鸟类学的学术水平和国际影响,北京林业大学申办了鸟类学学术期刊《Chinese Birds》(《中国鸟类》)。该刊将由北京林业大学和中国动物学会鸟类学分会共同主办,高等教育出版社出版。《Chinese Birds》为面向全球的英文学术期刊,主要发表经同行评议的研究论文、综述和研究简报等,收稿范围涵盖鸟类学所有研究方向。中国科学院院士郑光美先生担任该刊主编,编委会成员来自国内外各高校、学会及科研院所的知名学者。该刊为季刊,16开,创刊号将于2010年3月出版。欢迎国内外从事鸟类学研究的专家学者积极投稿,创刊年将免收稿件评审费及版面费。
Avian Research
- Migration routes, population status andimportant sites used bytheglobally threatened Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor): asynthesis ofsurveys andtracking studies
- Autumn migration of Ospreys from two distinct populations in Poland reveals partial migratory divide
- Migration routes, behavior and protection status of Eurasian Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia) wintering in China
- Autumn migration routes and wintering areas of juvenile Chinese Egrets (Egretta eulophotes) revealed by GPS tracking
- Seasonal and regional differences in migration patterns and conservation status of Swan Geese (Anser cygnoides) in the East Asian Flyway
- Stopover behavior of Red-eyed Vireos (Vireo olivaceus) during fall migration on the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula
- Citrine Wagtail migration on the Indo-European flyway: a first geolocator track reveals alternative migration route and endurance flights to cross ecological barriers
- Phylogeography and morphometric variation in the Cinnamon Hummingbird complex: Amazilia rutila (Aves: Trochilidae)
- Taxonomic revision of the Savanna Nightjar (Caprimulgus affinis) complex based on vocalizations reveals three species
- Taxonomic status of grey-headed Yellow Wagtails breeding in western China
- The composition of mixed-species flocks of birds in and around Chitwan National Park,Nepal
- Does melanin-based plumage coloration reflect health status of free-living birds in urban environments?
- Rapid range expansion predicted for the Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula)in the near future under climate change scenarios
- Masting effect on alpha and beta avian diversity in fragmented forests of relict-endangered Mexican Beech (Fagus grandifolia subsp. mexicana)
- Birds andplastic pollution: recent advances
- Contrasting habitat use andconservation status ofChinese-wintering andother Eurasian Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons)populations
- Population assessment and habitat associations of the Visayan Hornbill (Penelopides panini) in Northwest Panay, Philippines
- Adults have more male-biased sex ratios than first-winter juveniles in wintering duck populations
- Egg rejection and egg recognition mechanisms in Oriental Reed Warblers
- Organising a juvenile ratio monitoring programme for 10 key waterbird species in the Yangtze River floodplain: analysis and proposals
- Plastering mud around the entrance hole affects the estimation of threat levels from nest predators in Eurasian Nuthatches
- Nest site tenacity and mate fidelity in the Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
- Individual tracking reveals first breeding of Oriental Storks at age 2 years in the wild
- Breeding biology of the Green-backed Tit(Parus monticolus) in southwest China
- The gut microbiome and metabolome of Himalayan Griffons (Gyps himalayensis):insights into the adaptation to carrion-feeding habits in avian scavengers
- Coping withextremes: lowered myocardial phosphofructokinase activities andglucose content butincreased fatty acids content inhighland Eurasian Tree Sparrows
- Behavioural and energetic consequences of competition among three overwintering swan (Cygnus spp.) species
- High level of extra-pair paternity in the socially monogamous Marsh Tits (Poecile palustris)
- Exploring potentialities of avian genomic research in Nepalese Himalayas
- True grit: ingestion of small stone particles by hummingbirds in West Mexico
- Endocrine response of early-hatching Asian Short-toed Lark nestlings exposed to cold temperature in a high-latitude grassland habitat