为加强中国与世界的鸟类学学术交流,提高中国鸟类学的学术水平和国际影响,北京林业大学申办了鸟类学学术期刊《Chinese Birds》(《中国鸟类》)。该刊将由北京林业大学和中国动物学会鸟类学分会共同主办,高等教育出版社出版。《Chinese Birds》为面向全球的英文学术期刊,主要发表经同行评议的研究论文、综述和研究简报等,收稿范围涵盖鸟类学所有研究方向。中国科学院院士郑光美先生担任该刊主编,编委会成员来自国内外各高校、学会及科研院所的知名学者。该刊为季刊,16开,创刊号将于2010年3月出版。欢迎国内外从事鸟类学研究的专家学者积极投稿,创刊年将免收稿件评审费及版面费。
Avian Research
- Behaviour of cranes (family Gruidae) mirrors their phylogenetic relationships
- Habitat preferences of diurnal raptors in relation to human access to their breeding territories in the Balkan Mountain Range,Bulgaria
- Microhabitat characteristics related to seasonal roost switching: implications from a threatened and introduced cockatoo species in an urban landscape
- Saltmarsh vegetation and social environment influence flexible seasonal vigilance strategies for two sympatric migratory curlew species in adjacent coastal habitats
- Three-dimensional niche partitioning between two colonially nesting ardeid species in central China
- Pair bonds during the annual cycle of a long-distance migrant, the Arctic Tern(Sterna paradisaea)
- Using miniaturized GPS archival tags to assess home range features of a small plunge-diving bird: the European Kingfisher(Alcedo atthis)
- Male parent birds exert more effort to reproduce in two desert passerines
- Avian-power line interactions in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia: are mitigation actions effective?
- High philopatry rates of Yellow-legged Gulls in the southeastern part of the Bay of Biscay
- Collection, curation and the use of humidification to restore nest shape in a research museum bird nest collection
- Abundance of insects and aerial insectivorous birds in relation to pesticide and fertilizer use
- Which species discovers novel food sources first? A camera trap study in a natural environment
- Use of DNA metabarcoding of bird pellets in understanding raptor diet on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China
- Coastal wetlands in Lianyungang,Jiangsu Province, China: probably the most important site globally for the Asian Dowitcher(Limnodromus semipalmatus)