Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters
- A decadal abruption of midwinter storm tracks over North Pacific from 1951 to 2010
- Comparison of convective parameterizations in RegCM4 experiments over China with CLM as the land surface model
- Chemical characterization of submicron particles during typical air pollution episodes in spring over Beijing
- Two different periods of high dust weather frequency in northern China
- Pressure gradient errors in a covariant method of implementing the σ-coordinate: idealized experiments and geometric analysis
- Biogenic isoprene emissions over China: sensitivity to the CO2inhibition effect
- The link between the Victoria mode in the preceding boreal winter and spring precipitation over the southeastern USA and Gulf of Mexico
- Influences of the interannual variability of vegetation LAI on surface temperature
- Cooling effect of urban parks and their relationship with urban heat islands
- Precipitation responses to radiative processes of water- and ice-clouds: an equilibrium cloud-resolving modeling study
- A multidecadal oscillation in the northeastern Pacific
- Assessment of surface drag coefficient parametrizations based on observations and simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting model