- What are they?
根據描述,猜一猜:它们是什么水果、蔬菜?请连线。1. This long light-green vegetablesounds like this when you bite it:"Crash!"2. These come in a bunch and can begreen, red, or purple. If you drythem, they become raisins.3. These grow high on the plant.They
阅读(快乐英语中年级) 2020年10期2020-12-09
- Riddles 谜语猜一猜
1. Im tall when Im young and Im short when Im old. What am I?Hint:You may need it when you are having your birthday party.2. How many months have 28 days?Hint:Every month in a year has 28 days.3. What goes up when rain comes down?
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2018年6期2018-05-30
- Riddles谜语猜一猜
猜謎是一种很好的锻炼思维的方式。同学们,快叫上你的爸爸妈妈或好朋友,大家一起来猜谜语,看谁先猜出来哦!1. What are full when they are used(使用) and empty when they are at rest(休息)?2. What always has one eye open but cant see?Hint:They protect(保护) your feet from being hurt(受伤).Hint:I
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2018年5期2018-05-30
- Riddles谜语猜一猜
iddles谜语猜一猜一沁供稿1. What are the two things people never eat before breakfast?2. I am full of holes, I can hold water. What am I?3. What will you break even when you name it?4. What has many keys but can’t open any doors?5. What is
疯狂英语·初中天地 2017年12期2017-12-06
- 趣味游戏
求学·素材版 2017年9期2017-09-28
- 小谜宫
新作文·小学低年级版 2017年5期2017-06-07
- Riddles谜语猜一猜
1. There is a thing.You break it to use.Hint(線索):a kind of food2. What is as big as an elephant,but weighs(重) nothing at all?Hint:You can only see it when theres light.3. What is white when it is dirty and black when it is clean?H
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2017年5期2017-05-30
- Riddles谜语猜一猜
同學们,快叫上你的好朋友,大家一起来猜谜语,看谁先猜出来哦!Im all about,but you cant see me.You can feel me,but you cant catch me.I have no throat,but you can hear me.What am I?I am a plant.People like to eat me.I have a cap on my body.I look like an umbrella
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2017年12期2017-05-30
- Riddles谜语猜一猜
姜琴同学们,快叫上你的好朋友,大家一起来猜谜语,看谁先猜出来哦!1. Im full of holes(洞),but I can hold(盛) water. What am I?Hint(线索):People use it for cleaning.2. What teaches without(没有) talking?Hint:Many of them live in the library.3. What has a neck,but no head
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2017年10期2017-05-30
- 帮忙猜一猜
喜剧世界 2016年9期2016-11-26
- A Royal Test
IQ题。读一读,猜一猜,哪位王子能通过测试,成为国王的乘龙快婿?Once upon a time, there were three princes who wished to marry a princess. The princess wished to marry one of them, but not the other two. Her father,however, did not feel she was ready to marry an
疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年2期2016-11-25
- Shopping
。是什么呢?你来猜一猜吧!1I have hands but no feet.I have a face but no eyes.I can tells but doesn’t talk.Sometimes I’m square,Sometimes I’m round.What am I?( )2I have cities but no houses.I have forests but no trees.I have mountain but no st
小学生导刊 2016年3期2016-04-11
- ShoppingLucy
。是什么呢?你来猜一猜吧!1I have hands but no feet.I have a face but no eyes.I can tells but doesnt talk.Sometimes Im square,Sometimes Im round.What am I?( )2I have cities but no houses.I have forests but no trees.I have mountain but no stone
小学生导刊(高年级) 2016年1期2016-01-29
- 猜一猜诗
北京文学 2016年1期2016-01-07