- 象海豹的睡眠奇迹
周晨曲主题语境:动物睡眠 篇幅:359词 建议用时:7分钟1If you??ve ever seen elephant seals lying on a beach, you might think all they do is sleep. But scientists have discovered that when ele? phant seals are in the ocean, they hardly sleep at all. On ave
疯狂英语·新阅版 2023年9期2023-12-02
- A special dog helps a community heal治疗犬
周晨曲越来越多的证据表明与狗狗进行互动能够减轻病人的疼痛,给病人带来安慰。主题语境:治疗犬 篇幅:347词 建议用时:7分钟1“We knew she was special the moment we gother,”Diana Haneski said about River, her family’stherapy dog.2 A therapy dog is a service animal specificallyfocused on provi
疯狂英语·新阅版 2023年8期2023-10-05
- Elephant seal visits Victorian seaside towns
浙江 周晨曲象海豹是一种行动缓慢、反应迟钝的动物。人们轻轻地来到它的身旁,它竟会毫无知觉。但有一点必须注意,千万不要绕到它的身后去,否则它会对你大发雷霆,发出一阵又一阵吼声。主题语境:野生动物 篇幅:337词 建议用时:6分钟1An adventurous elephant seal named Henry caused quite a noisy confusion over the summer holidays when he appeared on
疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年7期2023-08-19
- 晨曲(外一首)
科教新报 2023年9期2023-08-11
- 小小企业家
浙江 周晨曲吆喝声、欢笑声、讨价还价声此起彼伏,一派热闹景象呈现在眼前。这是发生了什么?原来是小小企业家职业体验活动开始啦!主题语境:课外生活 篇幅:360词 建议用时:7分钟1Earlier this March, 44 entrepreneurs gathered on a Saturday to sell their goods.What set these ambitious creators apart?All of them were betw
疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年6期2023-07-21
- 小小企业家
周晨曲A marketplace for young entrepreneurs吆喝聲、欢笑声、讨价还价声此起彼伏,一派热闹景象呈现在眼前。这是发生了什么?原来是小小企业家职业体验活动开始啦!1 Earlier this March, 44 entrepreneurs gathered on a Saturday to sell their goods. What set these ambitious creators apart? All of the
疯狂英语·新阅版 2023年6期2023-07-20
- 气候变化与文化遗产
浙江 周晨曲主题语境:人与自然篇幅:313词建议用时:6分钟1The number of disasters driven by climate change has increased by four times during the past five decades,according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).The storm that flooded Ger⁃many and
疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年12期2022-12-24
- 气候变化与文化遗产
周晨曲全球变暖不仅影响着人类自身的生存状况,还将对世界各地的文化遗产造成巨大影响!1 The number of disasters driven by climate change has increased by four times during the past five decades, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The storm that flooded
疯狂英语·新阅版 2022年12期2022-12-19
- 空气制水神器
周晨曲以色列Watergen公司生產了一种可以利用空气生产干净的饮用水的设备。1 Israeli company Watergen has made a device(设备) that produces clean, drinkable water out of air. The device called GENNY is small enough to be used in a home or office but can generate up to
疯狂英语·新阅版 2022年9期2022-05-30
- 韩景燕作品集
8年本页左上图《晨曲》97cm×180cm 纸本重彩 2020年右上图《传承》140cm×50cm4条 纸本重彩 2018年左下图《秋韵》72cm×72cm 纸本重彩 2011年右下图《球球》77cm×90cm 纸本重彩2018年本页左上图《琪花瑶草》80cm×90cm 纸本重彩 2017年右上图《清风细语》97cm×180cm 纸本重彩 2017年本页左上图《岁月家静好》65cm×65cm 纸本重彩 2017年右上图《夏荷》65cm×140cm 纸本重彩
艺术品鉴 2022年6期2022-04-14
- 游乐场初体验
周晨曲十三岁生日那天,“我”第一次去游乐场玩。那会是一种什么样的体验呢?On the day of my thirteenth birthday, I was really excited since I was going to an amusement park for the first time in my life with some of my friends, together with my parents.On reaching the
疯狂英语·读写版 2022年3期2022-03-31
- A visit to an amusement park
浙江 周晨曲体裁:记叙文 文章词数:351 建议用时:7分钟On the day of my thirteenth birthday, I was really excited since I was going to an amusement park for the first time in my life with some of my friends, together with my parents.On reaching the park,
疯狂英语·新读写 2022年3期2022-03-31
- Coffin Bay National Park—a hidden treasure
浙江 周晨曲体裁:记叙文 文章词数:356 建议用时:7分钟Every now and then in my travels, I come across a place that has a touch of magic about it.Coffin Bay National Park on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia is one such place.In October 2016, I took a
疯狂英语·新读写 2022年3期2022-03-31
- History of Disneyland
浙江 周晨曲体裁:说明文 文章词数:351 建议用时:7分钟Walt Disney once said, “It was all started by a mouse.” But in reality, Disneyland started with a problem.Watching his daughters on the carousel (旋转木马) in Griffith Park, he wondered, “Why isn't there
疯狂英语·新读写 2022年3期2022-03-31
- 世界上的知名城市公园
周晨曲城市公园是城市生态系统、城市景观的重要组成部分,对城市居民的生活有着极其重要的影响。An urban park is a park located within a city to offer recreation and green space to residents and visitors of the city. Urban parks typically include playgrounds, gardens, hiking, runn
疯狂英语·读写版 2022年3期2022-03-31
- 迪士尼乐园发展史
周晨曲世界上第一个迪士尼乐园于1955年在加利福尼亚州开放。人们一般认为迪士尼乐园虽不是主题公园的鼻祖,却是连锁规模最大的一个。Walt Disney once said, “It was all started by a mouse.” But in reality, Disneyland started with a problem. Watching his daughters on the carousel(旋转木马) in Griffith Pa
疯狂英语·读写版 2022年3期2022-03-31
- 我家的晨曲
作文新天地(小学版) 2022年2期2022-01-20
- 肯尼亚长颈鹿“坐船”搬家
浙江 周晨曲帮长颈鹿搬家,需要花多长时间?在肯尼亚,人们花了15个月执行了一项“长颈鹿救援行动”,帮助9 只长颈鹿搬了家——从一个即将被淹没的小岛,坐船搬到了大陆上的自然保护区里。体裁新闻报道文章词数343建议用时6分钟Wildlife conservation organizations have been working against time to rescue nine endangered giraffes trapped on a flood
疯狂英语·新读写 2021年11期2022-01-04
- Basketball dreams on “roof of the world”“世界之巅”的篮球梦
周晨曲17-year-old Tibetan girl Cigla is a freshman at Nagqu No. 2 Senior High School in Lhasa, which sits 3,650 meters above sea level. She now plays point guard for the school’s 12-member female basketball team.“Practice makes perfe
疯狂英语·读写版 2021年10期2021-12-14
- Palaces on the rails 火车上的宫殿
周晨曲几年前,长途火车旅行面临着被淘汰出局的困境,但法国设计师蒂埃里·高更打造的概念火车却让它起死回生。1 Long distance rail travel looked like it could be on its way out just a few years ago, but a lot has changed since then.2 The classic style of traveling is now coming back, as
疯狂英语·新阅版 2021年10期2021-12-08
- Basketball dreams on“roof of the world”
浙江 周晨曲17-year-old Tibetan girl Cigla is a freshman at Nagqu No.2 Senior High School in Lhasa,which sits 3,650 meters above sea level.She now plays point guard for the school's 12-member female basketball team.“Practice makes perfe
疯狂英语·新读写 2021年10期2021-12-07
- Palaces on the rails火车上的宫殿
浙江 周晨曲题材科技体裁说明文文章词数 难度 建议用时3 2 8 ★★★ 6分钟1Long distance rail travel looked like it could be on its way out just a few years ago,but a lot has changed since then.2The classic style of traveling is now coming back,as travelers look f
疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年10期2021-12-03
- 晨曲
西江月 2019年8期2019-11-15
- 美丽的早晨
作文与考试·小学高年级版 2018年23期2018-12-29
- 晨曲
广东 王智勇晨曲广东 王智勇我喜欢这清冷的街道,疏寥的人群,城市翻了个身,尚未完全醒来。身后是白色卧波的跨海大桥,车辆不多,显得舒缓。上面是密布的彤云,团团簇簇,被高耸的澳门观光塔和珠海会展中心刺破,洇出殷红的血痕。下了一夜雨,酥雨初歇,叶片被洗得发亮,紫荆花瓣铺满小径。凄清的早晨,海上水波不兴。南中国海,两座依水傍山的小城,现在看不到拥塞和打拼,适合叹早茶的时间,大妈们穿着红绸衣裤,在练五禽戏。一只白鹭飞过头顶,我看到它略黑的腹部和笔直的细腿,然后在巨轮
散文诗世界 2017年1期2017-11-13
- 1978-1990,中国大学生文学刊物索引之《晨曲》
文学刊物索引之《晨曲》供稿/姜红伟刊 名:《晨曲》创 办:山东曲阜师范学院中文系《晨曲》编辑部时 间:1980年10月创刊,1981年3月停刊,共计出版两期。刻印16开本。总 编 辑:梁义亭主要编辑:汪家明;编委:梁义亭、汪家明、常光明、王澄波、郭庆良、杜茂喜、许光、马苏健。主要作者:汪家明、常光明、马苏健、傅金祥、克文、丹群、李养玉、黄少军、阿贝保、潘晓生、郭庆良、董吉清、咪喃、季凡、盛欣、新宇、樊龙、李广延、李艳、张旭东、郭炳灿、周东明、远方、于青、洛
作品 2015年21期2015-11-17