摘" " 要:中白是从早钟6号×贵妃杂交群体中选育的优质大果中熟白肉枇杷新品种。该品种树势中庸偏强,树冠圆头形,中心干较明显,枝梢较强壮。平均单果质量60.1 g,大小整齐;果实倒卵圆形,果基钝圆少数尖峭,果顶钝圆微凹;果皮橙黄色,厚度中等偏薄,锈斑少,果点密度中等,果点中等大;萼片平展,萼孔闭合;果肉黄白色,平均厚度10.9 mm,肉质细嫩、化渣、汁多;平均可溶性固形物含量(w)13.4%,味鲜、风味浓郁,品质优;平均可食率71.2%,平均种子4.6粒·果-1;在福建福州地区,果实4月中下旬成熟。高接换种后第2年可少量开花,第3年枝梢抽穗率50%左右,第4年株产22.8 kg,折合666.7 m2产709.7 kg,早结、丰产、稳产。中白是一个优质、大果、丰产稳产、抗性较强的中熟白肉枇杷新品种,适宜在福建、四川、重庆、云南等枇杷产区应用。
中图分类号:S667.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2024)10-2139-05
Breeding of a new high-quality, large-fruit, mid-ripening and white-flesh loquat cultivar Zhongbai
JIANG Jimou, DENG Chaojun, XU Qizhi, CHEN Xiuping, HU Wenshun, SU Wenbing, ZHANG Ya-ling, WEI Weilin, HUANG Jingfeng, ZHENG Shaoquan*
(Fruit Research Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Science/Fujian Breeding Engineering Technology Center for Longan and Loquat, Fuzhou 350013, Fujian, China)
Abstract: Zhongbai, a hybrid between Zaozhong 6 (♀, the female parent) and Guifei (♂, the male parent), is a new high-quality loquat cultivar with big-fruit and mid-ripening period. Zaozhong 6 is well known for its orange-yellow flesh, extra early-ripening and big-fruit, while Guifei is white-flesh, late-ripening and big-fruit. Zhongbai exhibits moderately strong tree vigor and a round-shaped crown with an obvious central leader and long and sturdy shoots. The panicle emergence stage of Zhongbai occurs from mid-October to late-November in Fuzhou, Fujian province. The initial flowering stage, the full-blooming stage and the late-blooming stage of Zhongbai are from late-November to early-December, from early-December to mid-December, and from late-December to early-January of the following year, respectively. The fruit of Zhongbai ripens from mid- to late-April. The ripening period of Zhongbai is 10 days later than that of its female parent Zaozhong 6, and about 7 days earlier than that of its male parent Guifei. Zhongbai has many characteristics, for example, the size of fruit is not uniform and the average weight of fruit is 60.1 g; the shape of fruit is obovate; the shape of most fruit base is obtuse, while a few is acuminate; the shape of most fruit apex is obtuse with slight concave. The color of pericarp is yellow with less rust spots; the pericarp has obvious fruit streak; the thickness of pericarp is moderately thin. The density of fruit dots is medium, and the size of fruit dot is medium large; the attitude of sepals is flattened and the calyx cavity of fruit is closed. The color of flesh is yellow white and the average thickness of flesh is 10.9 mm. The average total soluble solids content is 13.4% and the taste of flesh is characterized by tenderness, absence of flesh dregs, rich flavor, juiciness and excellent quality. The average edible rate of fruit is 71.2% and the average number of seeds is 4.6. A small amount of flower could be found in the second year after top-grafting, and the flowering rate is about 50% in the third year after top-grafting. The high yield period of Zhongbai starts from the fourth year. According to the investigation, the yield of a single tree is about 22.8 kg, which is equivalent to 709.7 kg per 666.7 m2. These results indicate that Zhongbai has the characteristics of early fruiting, as well as high and stable yield. Zhongbai has been applied in different areas and ecological environments across China for regional and productive experiments, and it also shows excellent characteristics in most of the prominent loquat production areas. In summary, Zhongbai is a new loquat cultivar with mid-ripening period, big-fruit, white flesh, high quality, high and stable yield, and strong resistance, and it is suitable to be applied in prominent loquat production areas, such as Fujian, Sichuan, Chongqing and Yunnan.
Key words: Loquat; New cultivar; Zhongbai; Mid-ripening; High quality; Big-fruit
枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)原产于中国,是未受外来同类果品直接冲击的亚热带特色常绿果树。中国是枇杷主产国,生产总量占全世界的2/3以上,主产区有四川、福建、浙江、云南、江苏等省份。长期以来,红肉枇杷品种在生产上占主导地位,风味品质同质化较严重,不利于枇杷产业的良性发展。白肉枇杷是中国特有的枇杷资源,是鲜食枇杷中的极品,具有“无冕之王”之美誉,其肉质细嫩、清甜、风味浓郁独特,深受广大消费者的青睐[1],但传统品种由于果小、可食率不高、耐贮性不强等原因,产业规模的扩大一度受限。近二十多年以来,中国相关科研、教学单位采用实生选种、杂交育种等方式培育了贵妃、新白8号[2]、三月白[3]、香妃[4]、迎雪[5]、粤晖[6]等系列白肉枇杷新品种,为枇杷产业的可持续发展提供了品种支撑。福建省农业科学院果树研究所历经20多年,杂交育成优质、大果、中熟的白肉枇杷新品种中白,已在福建、云南、四川、浙江等产区示范应用,为进一步优化枇杷品种结构奠定了基础。
1 选育经过
2 主要性状
2.1 植物学特征
中白枇杷的树势中庸偏强,树冠圆头形,中心干较明显,灰白色。分枝力较强,新梢茸毛多,成熟枝梢棕褐色,茸毛中等多,1年生枝梢长度19.0~44.0 cm、粗度0.96~1.29 cm、叶片19~39枚。叶片倒卵圆形,叶尖渐尖,基部狭楔形;叶缘微波浪形,锯齿起始点在中下部,锯齿浅且间距中等,锯齿形状锐尖;叶片深绿色,较光亮,叶脉明显,叶片质地中等,叶背茸毛多;叶长16.0~22.2 cm、宽5.2~6.8 cm,叶脉13~18对。花穗中等大小,支轴姿态平伸,花量多[11]。
2.2 果实性状
中白枇杷平均单果质量60.1 g,大小整齐;果实倒卵圆形,纵径54.5~60.1 mm,横径46.3~49.3 mm,侧径44.1~48.2 mm,果基钝圆少数尖峭,果顶钝圆微凹;果皮橙黄色,厚度中等偏薄,锈斑少,果点密度中等,果点中等大;萼片平展,萼孔闭合;果肉黄白色,平均厚10.9 mm,肉质细嫩、化渣、汁多;平均可溶性固形物含量13.4%,味鲜、风味浓郁;平均可食率71.2%;平均种子4.6粒·果-1,种子三角体形,种皮黄褐色,斑点多且大,种皮不开裂。
2.3 物候期
中白枇杷在福州春梢发生期1月下旬至3月上旬,第一次夏梢5月上旬至7月下旬,第二次夏梢6月上中旬至7月下旬,秋梢8月上旬至9月上旬,晚秋梢10月底至11月中旬。初花期11月下旬至12月上旬,盛花期12月上旬至中旬,终花期12月下旬至翌年1月上旬。在福州果实成熟期4月中下旬,比母本早钟6号迟熟10 d以上,比父本贵妃早熟7 d左右。
2.4 生长结果习性
中白的枝梢长势较壮,低位多头高接换种后第2年枝梢总数16枝·株-1,平均枝梢长度63.7 cm、粗度12.8 mm、叶片数34枚、枝梢抽穗率27.4%;第3年枝梢总数154枝·株-1,平均枝梢长度54.3 cm、粗度12.2 mm、叶片数27枚、枝梢抽穗率54.5%;第4年株产22.8 kg,折合666.7 m2产709.7 kg(按666.7 m2栽植31株计)。
2.5 适应性和抗病性
3 栽培技术要点
中白的枝梢成枝率较高、长势较壮,幼龄树宜在新梢长至20~30 cm摘心促发分枝,并选留1~3个长势较好、不同方位的新梢,利于树冠快速形成;幼龄结果树根据树势和结果量,在夏梢抽生期每个枝梢选留1~3个新梢,以降低树体生长势,花芽生理分化期控水控肥,提高枝梢抽穗率。
中白为大果白肉枇杷新品种,坐果率较高,果实大小均匀,宜根据树势和枝梢数选留50%~80%的枝梢结果;疏果时根据枝梢长势选留分布均匀、大小一致的幼果3~8粒·穗-1,留果负载量以成熟果实单果质量>50 g且穗质量>250 g为宜。
中白枇杷果实对裂果、锈斑等病害的抗性较强,套袋栽培时,宜在幼果横径>2 cm至果实转色前套袋,套袋以原浆牛皮纸袋为佳。
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