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I am a research fellow at theInstitute of Advanced Studies inHumanities and Social Sciencesof Beijing Normal University inZhuhai, Guangdong Province. Myresearch focuses on comparativeand cross-cultural philosophy,cultural history of Eurasian civilizations,and cultural diplomacyof the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI). It was a great honor for meto attend the 2024 China-EuropeTalent Forum held in Beijing onOctober 15, 2024. During theforum, I presented a speech atthe cultural sub-forum themed“Cultural Integration: A Bridgeto Promote Talent Exchange andCooperation between China andEurope” and was also inspired bysome insightful views shared byother academicians, experts, andheads of multinational corporations.Our discussions focusedon some key topics: the overallsituation and problems in today’scross-cultural talent cultivation,the significance of cross-culturalcompetence in cultural integration,and how to improve crossculturalmanagement and governancecapabilities. The specialedition of China Today magazinefocusing on the related topicsas the designated magazine wonpraise from many guests attendingthe forum. I believe this eventas a result of its bringing togetherso many valuable insights willfurther deepen China-Europe talentexchanges and cooperation.
David Bartosch
I am the former chair ofthe Society for Anglo-ChineseUnderstanding (SACU) andhave been passionately devotedto people-to-people exchangesbetween China and the U.K. Inrecent years, there has been an"increased number of youngBritons joining SACU whoreturned to the U.K. after eitherstudying or working in China.They want to keep that connectionbetween China and Britainalive and help tell the true storyof the China they experiencedrather than the stereotypes youoften hear in foreign countries.I am glad to see Chris Nash,our newly elected chair of theSACU, an educator and oldfriend of the Chinese, bringhis innovative ideas to buildunderstanding and promotecommunication between youngChinese and Britons. Thearticle titled “Building Bridgesof Understanding” publishedin the October issue of ChinaToday tells this story. Nashbelieves in the power of usingstories to influence people’sthinking. Therefore every week,in his Chair’s Blog, he writesa “people-to-people” storyillustrating how the peoplesof Britain and China share farmore in common than they dodifferences. I am pleased to seethe ways he is promoting thespiritual and cultural heritageof SACU so that more Britishpeople can understand China’shistory, culture, science, andtechnology. At present, onethird of the SACU Council areyoung people including bothBritish and Chinese. They aresocial media savvy and sharesimilar interests with contemporaryyoung people in China. Themore these young people cansee the similarities between ourtwo cultures, the more likelywe can build deeper emotionalties and demolish the prejudicesagainst China.
Zoë Reed