
2024-12-31 00:00:00陆豫王波林国良蒋日红王振兴
广西植物 2024年10期

Abstract:" Three new records from Vietnam, Phlegmariurus guangdongensis Ching, Adiantum longzhouensis A. H. Wang, F. G. Wang amp; F. W. Xing, and Lepisorus bicolor" Ching, are reported. The identification characteristics, information of specimen, and geographical distribution of the species are described. The discovery of new records not only enriches the study of plant diversity in Vietnam, but also provides important information for biodiversity conservation and botanical research in the region. The voucher specimens are kept in the Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KUN), Herbarium of Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (PE) and Herbarium of Guangxi Forestry Research Institute (GXFI).

Key words: Phlegmariurus guangdongensis, Adiantum longzhouensis, Lepisorus bicolor, new record, Vietnam

CLC number:" Q941

Document code:" A

Article ID:" 1000-3142(2024)10-1943-04

收稿日期:" 2024-05-03

接受日期: 2024-06-12

基金项目:"" 国家自然科学基金 (32160048); 广西林草种质资源普查与收集(桂林科字[2011第34号])。

第一作者: 陆豫(1979—), 硕士,高级工程师,主要从事环境保护工作,(E-mail)Wmwizard@163.com。

*通信作者: 王振兴, 硕士,高级工程师,主要从事野生动植物保护工作,(E-mail)shangzhuxing@163.com。


陆 豫1, 王 波2, 林国良2, 蒋日红3, 王振兴2*

( 1. 广西交科集团有限公司, 南宁 530007; 2. 广西渌金生态科技有限公司, 南宁 530001; 3. 广西特色

经济林培育与利用重点实验室, 广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院, 南宁 530002 )

摘 要:" 该文报道了越南石松类与蕨类植物新记录三种:广东马尾杉(Phlegmariurus guangdongensis Ching)、龙州铁线蕨(Adiantum longzhouensis A. H. Wang, F. G. Wang amp; F. W. Xing)和二色瓦韦(Lepisorus bicolor Ching);文中提供了物种识别特征、凭证标本和地理分布信息等。新记录种的发现不仅丰富了越南植物多样性的研究,也为该地区的生物保护和植物学研究提供了重要资料。凭证标本保存于中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆(KUN)、中国科学院植物研究所标本馆(PE)和广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院标本馆(GXFI)。

关键词: 广东马尾杉, 龙州铁线蕨, 二色瓦韦, 新记录, 越南

Vietnam is located in the east of Indochina Peninsula, bordering Guangxi and Yunnan of China to the north, Laos and Cambodia to the west. Affected by the tropical monsoon climate, it has high annual rainfall and humidity, and is one of the 16 countries with high biodiversity in the world. There are a total of 874 species of lycopsids and ferns in 38 families and 116 genera (POWO, 2024), and there have been frequent reports of new species (Parris et al., 2015; Pham et al., 2022) and new recorded species (Wu et al., 2005, 2006, 2012; Chen et al., 2020, 2021, 2023; Wei et al., 2022) in recent years. While examining photographs and specimens of lycopsids and ferns collected in northern Vietnam, the authors identified two species (Adiantum longzhouensis and Lepisorus bicolor) as newly recorded species in Vietnam (Wang et al., 2017). Through consulting relevant materials and specimens, it was found that Adiantum longzhouensis had been collected in Vietnam before (Wei et al., 2022), the reported A. juxtapositum Ching should be the misidentification of A. longzhouensis. Phlegmariurus guangdongensis was also a newly recorded species from Vietnam(Wu et al., 2013; Nong et al., 2016). It is now reported together to increase the biodiversity inventory of Vietnam. The voucher specimens were kept in the Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KUN), Herbarium of Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (PE) and Herbarium of Guangxi Forestry Research Institute (GXFI).

Phlegmariurus guangdongensis Ching in Acta Bot. Yunnan. 4 (2): 123. 1982; Li Bing Zhang et H. S. Kung in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 38 (1): 28. 2000, et in Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 6(3): 35. 2004; Li Bing Zhang et Kunio Iwatsuki in Flora of China Vol. 2–3: 22. 2013. —— Huperzia guangdongensis (Ching) Holub in Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 20: 73. 1985. 广东马尾杉 (Fig. 1: A-C)

Type: China. Guangdong, Xinyi, 14 Apr. 1931, S. P. Ko 51291 (Holotype: PE!; Isotypes: PE!, IBK!, SZ!).

Epiphytic on rocks under forests. Stems caespitose, 1-3-forked. Leaves spirally arranged,sporophylls and trophophylls distinctly dimorphic. Trophophylls elliptic-lanceolate, obliquely spreading, included angle with stem about 40°, length-width ratio about 5∶1, base cuneate, sessile, apex acuminate, margin entire. Sporangium spikes terminal; sporophylls ovate or ovate-triangular, acuminate or acute. Sporangia in axils of sporophylls, reniform, 2-valved, yellow.

Specimens examined: Lam Dong Prov., Lac Duong Distr., Da Chays Commune, Hon Ginomountainous range, ca. 1 530 m, epiphyte in evergreen seasonal tropical mixte broad, 29 Oct. 2006, S. G. Wuet P. K. Loc etc. WP1194(KUN); Lam Dong Prov., Lac Duong Distr., Da Chays Commune, BiDoup mountainous range, around point, ca. 1 900 - 2 000 m, epiphyte in evergreen seasonal tropical broad-leaved, 31 Oct. 2006, S. G. Wuet P. K. Loc etc. WP1264(KUN); Lam Dong Prov., Lac Duong Distr., Cong Troi FPStation, around point, ca. 1 680-1 760 m, epiphyte in evergreen seasonal tropical broad-leaved, 7 Nov. 2006, S. G. Wuet P. K. Loc etc. WP1443(KUN).

Distribution: Type specimens were collected from Guangdong and distributed in Guangxi, Guangdong and Hainan of China. Epiphytic on tree trunks or rock walls. Newly recorded species for Vietnam.

Notes: P. guangdongensis is similar to P. fordii and P. henryi, difference is that the sporophylls and trophophylls distinctly dimorphic and the middle trophophylls are sessile. It is also similar to P. phlegmaria, except that the stems of P. guangdongensis are 1 to 2 dichotomous branches, the plants are nearly erect or inclined, and the trophophylls are lanceolate or elliptical lanceolate, with a length-width ratio less than 7∶1.

Adiantum longzhouensis A. H. Wang, F. G. Wang amp; F. W. Xing in PLoS ONE 12(4): e0172729 (14). 2017. 龙州铁线蕨 (Fig. 1: D-F)

Type: China. Guangxi, Daxin County, Baoxu Town, Jing-Yang-Cun Primary School,10 Jun.2014, WAH017 (Holotype: IBSC!; Isotype: IBSC!).

Plants epilithic, about 14 cm tall. Rhizomes short, erect, covered with lanceolate and black brown scales, scales margin entire. Leaves clustered, about 5-11 cm long, about 1 mm thick, glossy and smooth. Lamina 1-pinnate, odd-pinnate or paripinnate, pinnae 9-14, opposite, rarely alternate; Pinnule obdeltoid, coriaceous, margin entire, upper margin with 2-4 shallow sinus; stalk 0.5-1.0 mm, persistent after pinna fall; veins 7-10, flabellate at base, each again 2-4 forked, visible on both surfaces. Sori 2-4 per pinna, reniform.

Specimens examined: Lang Son Prov., Trang Dinh, That Khe cave, ca. 260 m, grows in the crevices of rock walls, Chen Qiuyun, 4 Nov. 2023, Chen 20231114001(GXFI);Phan Ke Loc, 2009, 6046 (01870366)(PE).

Distribution: Type specimens were collected and distributed in Guangxi, China. It grows in rock crevices. Newly recorded species for Vietnam.

Notes: This species is similar to Adiantum juxtapositum, and was initially identified as A. juxtapositum,such as Phan Ke Loc, 2009, 6046 (01870366) (PE) had been identified as A. juxtapositum and recorded in the book (Wei et al., 2022), but it should be misidentified as A. longzhouensis. A. longzhouensis was formally published in 2017 and differs from" A. juxtapositum in that it grows in limestone areas, pinna without white powder on abaxial surface, sori reniform.

Lepisorus bicolor" Ching in Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4(3): 66. 1933; Lin Youxing in Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 6(3): 35. 2004; Qi Xinping et Zhang Xianchun in Flora of China Vol. 2-3: 22. 2013. —— Polypodium excavatum Bory ex Willd.var. bicolor Takeda in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 8(39): 280. 1915. 二色瓦韦(Fig. 1: G-I)

Type: China. HenryA13070 (Holotype, E!).

Plants 20-40 cm tall. Rhizomes creeping, strong, densely attached to scales that fall off easily. Scales closely appressed, bicolored, nearly black with much paler brown margins, broadly ovate-lanceolate, apex acuminate. Lamina lanceolate, widest 1/3-1/2 from base, both ends attenuate, herbaceous or thinly papery. Sori usually along distal half of lamina, or near end of lamina, closer to costa, elliptic or suborbicular; paraphyses black, suborbicular, membranous, margins erose; central lamina large and transparent, with marginal lamina irregular, cell walls brown, thickened.

Specimens examined:Lao Cai Prov., Sa Pa, Fansipan Mountain, ca. 1 700 m, epiphyte in evergreen seasonal tropical broad-leaved, Chen Qiuyun, 12 Nov. 2023, Chen 20231112003 (GXFI).

Distribution: Type specimens were collected from Yunnan, China. It is distributed in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Xizang and other places in China. The species is also found in India and Nepal. It grows on rocks, crevices or trunks. Newly recorded species for Vietnam.

Notes:The most obvious characteristics of the species are the scales on the rhizomes obviously dichroic, that is, the middle is nearly black and the edge is light brown, which are closely attached to the rhizomes and easy to fall off, and its leaves herbaceous and lanceolate.

Adiantum longzhouensis was found in limestone areas of Guangxi along the China-Vietnam border. Phlegmariurus guangdongensis was distributed in evergreen broad-leaved forests in Guangdong, Hainan, and Guangxi. Lepisorus bicolor was found in high-altitude areas of Yunnan and Sichuan, etc. These species were found in Vietnam, indicating the similarity of plant diversity between China and Vietnam. This contributes to a better understanding and deepening of biodiversity, helps assess the biodiversity status of a region, enhances our understanding of species distribution, evolutionary relationships, and their roles within ecosystems. It also promotes exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in the field of biodiversity conservation.


CHEN CW, EBIHARA A, CHENG KY, et al., 2021. Studies of Vietnamese pteridophyte flora 1 [J]. Syst Bot, 46(3): 573-581.

CHEN CW, HSU TC, CHAO YS, et al., 2020. A newly recorded genus and twelve newly recorded species of ferns for Vietnam from Lang Biang Plateau [J]. Phytotaxa, 443(2): 121-143.

CHEN CW, HSU TC, DOAN HS, et al., 2023. Studies of Vietnamese pteridophyte flora 2 [J]. Syst Bot, 48(2): 159-172.

NONG VD, TRAN TV, HOANG NN, et al., 2016. A new combination and a new species in Phlegmariurus (Herter) Holub (Lycopodiaceae) from Southern Vietnam [J]. Adansonia, 38: 151-157.

A-C. Phlegmariurus guangdongensis; D-F. Adiantum longzhouensis; G-I. Lepisorus bicolor.

Fig. 1 Photos of the newly recorded species

PARRIS B, CHEN CW, HSU TC, et al., 2015. New species and records of grammitid ferns (Polypodiaceae) for Vietnam [J]. Phytotaxa, 226(1): 39-50.

PHAM VT, LI SH, DONG SY, 2022. Tectaria danangensis (Tectariaceae), a new fern species from Vietnam [J]. PhytoKeys, 194: 1-13.

POWO, 2024. Plants of the world online (Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) [EB/OL]. http://www.plantsoftheworldonline.org/, Retrieved 08 April 2024.

WANG AH, WANG FG, ZHANG WW, et al., 2017. Revision of series Gravesiana (Adiantum L.) based on morphological characteristics, spores and phylogenetic analyses [J]. PLoS ONE, 12(4): e0172729.

WEI YG, DO VT, WEN F, 2022. A checklist to the plants of northern Vietnam [M]. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House.

WU SG, XIANG JY, PHAN KL, 2005. Some new records of ferns from Vietnam(1) [J]. Acta Bot Yunnan, 27(3): 249-252.

WU SG, XIANG JY, PHAN KL, 2006. Some new records of ferns from Vietnam (2) [J]. Acta Bot Yunnan, 28(1): 17-18.

WU SG, XIANG JY, PHAN KL, et al., 2012. Some new records of ferns from Vietnam and Laos (3)Pteris (Pteridaceae) [J]. Plant Divers, 34(1): 22-24.

WU ZY, RAVEN PH, HONG DY, 2013. Flora of China, Vol. 2/3 (Pteridophytes) [M]. Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press: 13-34.

(责任编辑 李 莉 王登惠)

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