Taste Yunnan
Director: Zhou Xueping
Length: 32 Episodes
Producer: Yunnan Media Group
Broadcasting Platforms: iQIYI,
Youku, bilibili
This micro documentaryseries explores the delicaciesand home-cooked dishes in 16prefectures and cities in southChina’s Yunnan Province. Itshowcases the superior skillsforged by 26 ethnic groups andthe sense of hometown brewedwith taste and human relationships.In each episode, viewersare introduced to a uniqueingredient and one cookingtechnique through a touchingstory. Together the episodesoutline a map of Yunnan cuisineexhibiting multi-ethnic integrationand coexistence.
Breakfast in Wuzhong
Director: Chen Zhuo
Length: One Episode
Producers: NXTV, Publicity Department
of the CPC Wuzhong
Municipal Committee
Broadcasting Platforms: Youku,
This film depicts the city ofWuzhong in northwest China’sNingxia Hui Autonomous Regionwith its unique historical origins,cultural heritage, natural resources,and open and inclusiveregional features. It tells the storyof how the city has nurtured awide variety of famous breakfastfood, and also presents Wuzhong’sbeautiful mountains andrivers, regional culture, local life,and its urban atmosphere.
Tai Zhu Zi
Directors: Wang Xikun, Zhang
Bing, Cui Yingbao, Liu Yongxiao,
Han Linsong, Li Ran
Length: Six Episodes
Producer: Shandong Radio
and TV Station
Broadcasting Platform: bilibili
The film series focuseson traditional Chinese operaand showcases manyoutstanding young artiststrained in different styles ofChinese opera in Beijing,Shandong, Hunan, Shaanxi,and Zhejiang. In the form ofa micro documentary, eachepisode depicts the uniqueskills and masterpieces of anopera performer, highlightingtheir stories of growthand perseverance in inheritingthe art of Chinese opera.