Throughout China’s modernization, reform hasplayed a key role in breaking down the obstacles to thecountry’s economic growth and steering it toward afuture of socialist modernization.
Since the third plenary session of the 18th CentralCommittee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in2013, China has embarked on a new era of comprehensivelydeepening reforms and charting a new coursefor further reform and opening-up.
Over the past decade, the economic structure hasbeen readjusted and the social structure has undergoneprofound changes. The modernization of China’sgovernance system and capacity has steadily advanced.These achievements have laid a solid foundation"for the all-round advancement of the Chinesemodernization in political, economic, social andlivelihood terms. Now, the third plenary session ofthe 20th CPC Central Committee has made newstrategic arrangements for deeper reform to driveChinese modernization further.
In this issue’s Special Report, China Today ,in collaboration with China Development andReform News , presents five representative casesof local governments’ reform efforts. These arethe cases of Shenzhen, Pudong, the Hainan FreeTrade Port, Hefei, and Zhejiang. Their developmentmirrors how reform has advanced theChinese modernization.