You’ve got questions? She’s got answers

2024-12-28 00:00:00
汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 2024年4期

(But you probably won’t like them)

I’ve always dreamed of becoming a game designer, but my parents strongly oppose the idea. They say gaming isn’t a serious career. Do you have any advice on how I can change their minds?

Xiao Wu

Ayi likes kids who 胸怀大志 (xiōnghuáidàzhì, have great aspirations)! My grandson plays computer games all the time, but he’s not good at them. He never excels at anything and only comes to me when he needs money for 充值 (chōngzhí, topping up the game account). I heard people talking about this really successful game called Black Wukong or something. It even appeared on 新闻联播 (XīnwénLiánbō, CCTV News)! Somehow, this game makes the whole country proud. Just 转发 (zhuǎnfā, repost) the news to your family group chat and let them see for themselves. You know how the old saying goes: 三百六十行,行行出状元 (Sānbǎiliùshíháng, hánghángchūzhuàngyuan, Every trade produces its own top expert).

My husband nagged me for eating the last two pieces of a Swiss roll instead of saving them for our children. Am I a bad mother?

A frustrated stay-at-home mom

Don’t be 糊涂 (hútu, silly)! You are a full-grown adult who does not need any permission to eat desserts! If he has a problem with it, why not save his share for the kids, huh? He only 说一套,做一套(shuōyítào, zuòyítào, talks the talk, but doesn’t walk the walk)! You tell him to 以身作则 (yǐshēnzuòzé, set an example) for the family. Plus, you are only helping your kids stay away from 奶油 (nǎiyóu, cream) and 糖 (táng, sugar), which are horrible for their teeth and health! Remember this: You can always 随心所欲 (suíxīnsuǒyù, do as you please)—buy yourself any dessert, anytime you want—just because! To save further hassle, don’t even bring them home!

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