BRICS Seminar Highlights Modernization Paths

2024-12-07 00:00:00
China Pictorial 2024年10期

The BRICS Seminaron Governance &Cultural ExchangesForum 2024 was heldon September 23 in Moscow andfocused on BRICS countries’paths to modernization.

Co-organized by thePublicity Department of theCommunist Party of ChinaCentral Committee, ChinaInternational CommunicationsGroup, Rossiyskaya Gazeta , andthe Russia-China FriendshipAssociation, the event wasattended by more than 120representatives from BRICScountries and internationalorganizations. Attendees agreedthat BRICS countries are acrucial force in shaping theinternational order, representingthe future direction of humansociety.

Autonomous choosing ofdevelopment paths by BRICScountries is not only essentialfor their own growth but alsocontributes significantly toglobal governance and theinternational order. BRICScountries should resistany form of developmentcoercion, firmly defendtheir right to development,and encourage otherdeveloping nations to exploreindependent developmentpaths, said participants.

BRICS countries should alsoenhance communication aroundinnovation-driven development,jointly exploring ways to boostinternational competitivenessthrough technological andinstitutional innovation, andimprove the quality of life forcitizens to guide the stable andlong-term development of theGlobal South, they added.

Participants praised thetremendous achievements ofChina’s modernization, callingit a valuable reference andsource of inspiration for otherdeveloping countries seekingmodernization paths that bestsuit their national conditions.

During the forum, a photoexhibition on the BRICS spiritwas held, and a survey reporton BRICS cooperation wasreleased. The Global Survey:BRICS Cooperation in the NewEra of Global Development2024 , conducted in 30countries with 12,316 validsamples, showed recognitionof the role of the BRICSmechanism in improving theglobal governance system hadreached 94.6 percent amongrespondents.

A majority of respondentsexpressed belief that theBRICS mechanism canenhance representation ofdeveloping countries inglobal governance and bolsterreform and improvement ofthe global governance system.Such a sentiment is strongerin developing countries, withrecognition in BRICS countriesand other developing nationsexceeding 95 percent, thesurvey report noted, adding thatcountries like Russia, Brazil,Pakistan, Cuba, Peru, and Mexicoall showed a recognition rateover 96 percent. The survey wasconducted from May to July 2024by the Academy of ContemporaryChina and World Studies incollaboration with BeijingDataway Technology Co. Ltd.