The golden landscape of ginkgo trees in the early winter of the Yangtze River is very different from that of Northern China where trees wither, but the golden sight of ginkgo leaves that drew tourists just a few days ago is barely seen. These fallen gold leaves have brought to the world some cheerfulness, yet they can’t endure the cold air which deprived the leaves of their bright yellow with only a few stirrings on the branch like Kallima inachus, or leaf butterflies. At the sight of this and at this moment, a surge of bewilderment flows through my mind: “The sunset is infinitely fine; it’s just that dusk comes next.” Ginkgo trees on the school campus, whose leaves turn yellow in mid-fall, are striking to the eye, fading out of people’s sight as winter draws near.
Winter days are freezing cold. However, the first few days of this December were surprisingly fine with warmth. There is a rare chance that smog has been blown elsewhere, which brings me a turn to enjoy the bright sun. On such a wonderful day, a student of mine came to my office for her thesis. Not until the office hour was over, did I rush her to “go on a spring outing” with me. That is what you can do as spring comes, at which time the ground gets carpeted with yellowish grass, and everything back to life.
At a campus corner was a grove where few set foot. At this very time, into this grove, we may discover a new world.
Looking far into the distance, I found nuts of a pale yellowish-orange colour, each of which the size of an apricot, scattered over the lush expanse of grass. I was struck by unusually pleasant surprise, for in my mind, trees in a school campus should be agreeable to the eye and produce fruit, equipped with ornamental significance and practical value.
Withered leaves hanging from twigs, I was convinced that they were ginkgo trees, whose leaves were fan-shaped but yellowish-brown, but could enable me to picture how lively the leaves looked when they had been at their best. These nuts were ginkgo nuts, known as “white nuts”.
Ginkgo nuts the size of the apricot are supposed to be white, which led to its being technically named yinxing, which literally means the silver-colored apricot. The ginkgo nut refers to the kernel off the coat that is inedible. It consists of three layers—the outside coat is not edible, the middle layer is the shell and the inner part is good to eat or put differently, the edible part is dually protected by the coat and the shell.
The ginkgo nut, a cure for eliminating phlegm, cough relief, lungs nourishment and stop of asthma, is highly valuable in medicine. According to online sources, ginkgo nuts were on the royal tribute list during the Song Dynasty. In Japan, they are consumed daily. It is also an indispensable Christmas treat for Westerners. There was no reason not to pick up this seed when you came upon it! To collect them, the first problem was with what to hold them—I came to the grove unprepared. When I let the student know what came to my mind, “Can you be so lucky?” she smiled.
I know people tend to discard litter, among which plastic bags are the most common. Thinking of this, I led her on the way to seeing one. To my satisfaction, we found a bag twined around the root of a tree not far away. Picking it up, we saw it was a perfect one of good size, large enough to contain 8 or 9 kilos of ginkgo nuts. Everything ready, we went nut-picking.
Not too small, the nuts were easy to pick up. I bent, picked, and felt it possible to clear the ground of them. It, after all, was a small tree, which was expected of not much fruit. Much to our surprise, when crouching down, I found more hidden among the tall grass. The more we picked, the more we came by—How could that be? In no time, my bag was filled up. That was it, and we carried it together on the way back, before which we took a photo of ourselves in memory of this little adventure. What an unexpected reward! The ginkgo nuts cost as little as only a few bucks for each kilo, the sense of accomplishment that comes from my own toil was wonderful.
The removal of the outer layer requires a certain technique. The outer flesh was slightly smelly and corrosive, which suggested rubber gloves to strip the fruit of the outer coat. In this way, I took off the coat with painstaking effort, only to find that some fruit was too small to deserve some more time, throwing quite a lot away on second thought.
Looking back, this ginkgo nuts-picking experience was quite a short yet fascinating episode. My initial intention was to take a walk, but I ended up with a bag filled with ginkgo nuts. Trying to find a plastic bag turned out to be just what I wanted and it was big enough to carry these fruits. At first, I felt that the harvest was quite good, but then due to the difficulty of picking and peeling, most of them were gone to waste. Life is comprised of many unexpected happenings, some of which don’t come on your schedule. Those out of your schedule may not advance the way you intended them to, which is predestined to happen. Nevertheless, a harvest of this essay signifies a reward of an indelible memory.
* 博士,二级教授,博导,中国英汉语比较研究会副会长,“译者行为批评”理论创建者。
1文章标题用“银杏果”的学名ginkgo nuts而非俗称的“白果”,英语中甚至没有white nuts 这样的表达,为避免歧解,在标题中使用正式的称谓,也在文中对俗称做了说明。除了特别说明“白果”之“白”外,为方便阅读,一律使用学名。 2“枯叶蝶”学名为印度尖翅蛱蝶(又称橙尖蛱蝶),以其翅膀上的鲜艳色彩和独特的尖翅形状而著名。
4此句作者想要表现出意外的幸运之感,所以在翻译时处理成 “Can you be so lucky?”。虽是“巧合”,但作者并不侧重表达coincidence之意,而是想表达“我们能有那么好的运气吗?”,发出一个充满不确定的疑问。