Charlie’s Raven (Excerpt X)《查理的渡鸦》(节选十)

2024-12-06 00:00:00琼·克雷格黑德·乔治/文吴文安/译析
英语世界 2024年12期

“Wow! Ouch!” he yelled. He hurriedly placed the trap where the ravens would have easy access to it and swung down to the porch. From the porch he dashed into the kitchen.


“What’s the matter?” Singing Bird asked. “A raven bite you?”


“No, I got hit in the head with a pinecone.”


“Write that down,” said Granddad. “And add that the ‘parents’ of Blue Sky have attacked.” His eyes twinkled.


“How do you know they’re their parents?” Charlie asked.


“They are throwing pinecones at you. They recognize you as the person who took their nestling.”


“They recognize me?” Charlie asked. “I sure don’t recognize them as Blue Sky’s parents.”


“Just because you don’t doesn’t mean they are as limited as you are. I banded a male and female robin and their nestlings one spring when I was young. Every year after that when I passed near the robin nest, the male, yelled, dove, and wing-clipped on me. He didn’t dive at the postman or anyone else—just me. That bird never forgot me.


“You robbed the raven nest,” he went on. “They know you well, and they have it in for you.” Charlie rubbed his head and grinned.


“Then why don’t they give the alarm cry when they see me?”


Granddad’s eyes had that faraway look that dimmed then when he was searching for answers beyond the human mind.


“I don’t know,” he finally said. “Maybe it’s because you’re taking such good care of Blue Sky. Ravens are opportunists among other things. You’re such a good source of food that they’ve brought their other offspring to you.”


“I believe,” said Grandma Sally, thinking back on her child-raising days, “that Blue Sky and the new bird are brother and sister and their parents brought the sister here to keep the two together. At least that is what I would have done.”


“Brother and sister, or brother and brother or sister and sister, or just friends, who knows,” said Granddad, being noncommittal. “We can’t be sure until we send their DNA samples to the genetics lab and get a reply.


“But I think you’re right.” He winked at her.


Hardly had they gone indoors than they heard the sound of the trapdoor falling closed. The young raven visitor was caught. Charlie climbed up on the roof and brought down the cage and bird. In a few short moments Granddad had banded the new raven with both a blue and an aluminum band.


“I dub it Pinecone,” said Singing Bird, looking at the welt on Charlie’s forehead.


Granddad chuckled. He liked the name but didn’t say so. He had other things on his mind.


“Charlie,” he said. “Get a feather from both little ravens, label and date them, and Grandma will mail them to the lab. She knows where to send them after all these years of assisting me.”


Promptly Grandma Sally put the labeled feathers in a sterile bag and then a mailer. She addressed it to the University of Idaho.



【第一段】原文使用了trap,即一般意义上的圈套、陷阱。这里是一种诱骗鸟儿进入的捕鸟器,所以译文具体化为捕鸟器。查理此前是沿着门廊的柱子爬上房顶,此时查理从房顶下来,需要再次抓住柱子,把自己摆荡下来,所以swung down翻译为“摆荡下来”。

【第二段】原文“A raven bite you?”是一个省略句,全句应该是“Did a raven bite you? ”并非语法错误。爷爷的眼睛twinkled,暗示爷爷很激动,浮想联翩。译文为“闪闪发光”。

【第三段】原文limited意思是“能力不足、能力有局限”,如果这样直译在译文里会显得过于书面化,不够生动活泼,译文具体化为“记不住”。而复合词wing-clipped指用翅膀扇动扑击,译文具体化为“拍打”。而介词短语in for较为少见,意思是“确定无疑”,译文为“肯定记恨你”。

【第四段】一般为形容词的dim这里当作动词用,意思是“变得暗淡”。短语beyond the human mind(直译为:超出了人类头脑)译为“超出人类认知”,这里具体指人类对渡鸦的习性并非特别了解,不能有把握地解释某些习性和做法。

【第五段】短语among other things(直译为:在其他事物中)不宜简单直译,译文具体化为“这是原因之一”。另外一个词offspring一般对应“后代、子孙”,意义过于宽泛,译文同样具体化为“另一个孩子”。后面的the new bird也不能简单翻译为“那只新鸟”,这不太符合中文习惯,因此译文为“这只新来的鸟儿”。


【第七段】最后一句中的both a blue and an aluminum band不太容易理解。爷爷给渡鸦装的不是一个脚环,而是两个。其中一个蓝色的(可能是塑料制品),一个铝制的,分别有不同的用途。


【第九段】词语a sterile bag以及a mailer是较为专业的术语,此处指邮寄动物样品所需要的“无菌袋”,以及防止挤压破坏的“纸盒或纸箱”。译文具体化为“放在一个无菌袋里,再放进一个邮寄用的盒子里”,确保意思准确无误。


* 北京外国语大学英语学院教授。上海外国语大学英语翻译学博士,南京大学外语学院翻译学出站博士后,英国伦敦大学访问学者。研究领域:翻译研究、文学翻译理论与实践、中国文化外译。译著有《文学百科》《女性心理学》《爱尔兰人与中国》《性、生态、灵性》《小公主》等,共约200多万字。专著有《文学翻译中的美学效果比较分析》《后殖民翻译研究——翻译和权力关系》。另在核心期刊上发表与笔译研究、笔译教学、笔译实践等相关的论文数十篇。