He was just a boy, only 17. Yet in the World Cup final of 1958 Edson Arantes do Nascimento, better known as Pelé, showed the poise1 and supreme skill that would mark his career. As Brazil led Sweden, the hosts, by two goals to one he received a high pass in the penalty area. With a defender on his shoulder2, he caught the ball on his chest, took one pace3 and flipped the ball high over another defender before running to meet it and driving an unstoppable volley4 low into the net.
Though he said so himself, it was a nice goal. After looping in another5, realising they were about to win the whole tournament, he passed out with emotion on the pitch. He felt he had achieved everything, all his dreams come true—even to a fling with6 a blonde, blue-eyed Swedish girl who was crazy for this little black Crioulo7, as he loved to call himself.
This was only the first of three World Cups he won, more than any other player. It might have been four, but in 1966 the Bulgarian and Portuguese defenders kicked him to pieces, the referees didn’t protect him and Brazil, he thought, were badly prepared anyway, so they crashed out8.
Three Argentines—Alfredo Di Stéfano, Diego Maradona and Leo Messi—all had their claims to be the world’s greatest footballer. But he held the world record for goals, 1,279 in 1,363 matches, and that was unlikely to be surpassed. Even a goal he didn’t actually score, against England in the 1970 World Cup, became famous, because few—including him—could work out how Gordon Banks had managed to save it. Ever confident, he had shouted “Goal!” as he launched the header. It was scooped9 over the bar.
As a forward he was not that tall, but he was strong, fast and had thighs as thick as his waist. He could read the game like a book, and control the ball as if it was drawn to him like a magnet. He could also tell exactly where he was needed, and when, and what the opposition might try to block him. All this seemed to make him a natural captain, but he never wanted that role officially. He would just show the team his best moves, and was happy to provide the killer pass for others to finish.
Dribbling10 was his great skill, flummoxing11 defenders with feints12 and sudden stops and starts. He could shoot for goal powerfully with either foot and despite his height, or lack of it, was a spring-heeled header of the ball. He jumped so easily over Tarcisio Burgnich, the Italian marking13 him in the 1970 World Cup final, that Burgnich doubted he was flesh and bone at all. Then he scored the first goal. He knew he was the best player in that tournament and, with the next World Cup four years away, he declared he wouldn’t play any more.
He retired, he felt, at his best, and before football stopped being fun. His World Cup goal at 17 had been nothing but joy, no nerves, no responsibility, but his thousandth goal, in 1969 from a penalty, was completely different. His legs shook, the whole of the Maracanã stadium was yelling, and he was suddenly crushed by the thought that he, three times world champion, most famous footballer, could not miss this. He had never felt pressure like it.
Nor had he imagined he would face it. He was born in poverty in a town in the south-west of Minas Gerais state; his great-grandparents had been slaves. His first trainer was his father, a professional footballer whose career at Vasco da Gama was ended early by injury. His mother preferred him to be unhurt and earning proper money. Even a ball was too costly: he played with anything roughly round, socks stuffed with paper, mangoes or a bundle of rags. His lifetime love took root then, and never left him. The nickname “Pelé”, a classmate’s tease14, annoyed him at first (“Edson” was more serious, after Thomas Edison), but he liked it better when he learnt it meant “miracle” in Hebrew. And miracles followed. At only 15 he was snapped up15 by Santos, his first professional club. Largely because of him it became the best team in the world in the early 1960s, winning two Intercontinental Cups.
Several big European clubs begged him to join them: Real Madrid, ac Milan, Bayern Munich. But Santos and Brazil’s government refused a transfer. Besides, life was so nice at Santos that he didn’t want to change, and he went on playing for the club long after he left the international game. He played before football was a global business: half his career was in black and white. In today’s game he would have been a billionaire. As it was, he had a sharp eye for money in deals off the pitch. At 34 he came out of retirement to help launch “soccer” in the United States, joining the New York Cosmos because, he said, Henry Kissinger persuaded him. By 1977, when his tenure ended, he was being called “O Rei”, “The King”—the very name that the playwright Nelson Rodrigues, a towering figure in Brazil, had given him years before when he had first seen him play for Santos.
皇家马德里、AC米兰、拜仁慕尼黑等欧洲几大豪门俱乐部恳请他加盟。但桑托斯和巴西政府不肯让他转会。而且他在桑托斯过得非常惬意,无意换队,在离开国际赛场很久之后仍继续为桑托斯效力。他踢球的时代,足球尚未成为全球产业,他的运动生涯有半数时间身穿桑托斯的黑白战袍。倘若在如今打比赛,他会是亿万富翁。尽管如此,事实上他对绿茵场外的生财之道独具慧眼。34岁,他复出加入纽约宇宙俱乐部,帮助在美国推广“英式足球”,他自称这是因为受到亨利·基辛格的劝说。三年聘期在1977年结束后,他被誉为O Rei,即葡萄牙语的“王者”——这是多年前巴西赫赫有名的剧作家内尔松·罗德里格斯第一次看到他代表桑托斯队出征时给他取的绰号。
His life off the pitch was complicated, with three marriages and at least seven children. Women aside, though, he kept his life simple. He hoped to pass as an ordinary guy at airports, and never used the red diplomatic passport President Lula gave him. His way of winding down16 was to go fishing or to play pião with the wooden top he always carried, spinning it on his palm as long as he could. He was never an activist; just by being himself, he embodied black dignity. And he revelled in17 the beautiful game he played. His one regret was that he had never scored in the World Cup with a bicycle kick18.
1 poise稳健、优美的姿态;泰然自若、从容沉着的样子。 2 be on one’s shoulder密切监视,严防死守。 3 take a pace迈出一步。 4 volley截击、截踢空中球。 5这一次是贝利胸部卸球,回头观察后卫的位置,然后脚后跟将球传给左路的扎加洛,扎加洛迅速高吊传中,同时贝利前插,跳起来头球破门。
6 源自习语have a fling with,义为“与(萍水相逢者)短暂调情”。 7 crioulo葡萄牙语,特指住在美洲、带有撒哈拉以南非洲血统的黑人。这是带有种族主义色彩的歧视语,现已弃用。 8 crash out(在比赛中)被难堪地淘汰出局。
9 scoop用类似铲子或勺子的工具挖、铲、舀、掏,这里指用手掌扑出。 10 dribble盘带。 11 flummox使……不知所措。 12 feint佯攻,虚晃一枪。 13 mark紧盯住对方球员。
14 tease取笑,嘲弄,揶揄。 15 snap up抢购,率先争夺到手。
16 wind down放松。 17 revel in沉湎于;纵情于。 18 bicycle kick在身体腾空、头下脚上的状态下像蹬自行车一样踢球,是贝利最有特色的个人技巧。