Imagine meeting a stranger at a party. What makes for a successful encounter? Lesson one is to heed the wisdom of a shampoo commercial from the 1980s: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Lesson two is to remember that you do not need to wear a beret or a fur stole in order to stand out. Lesson three is not to forget that what you leave out matters as much as what you say.
These same principles, it turns out, apply to writing a CV. A resume is not a list of every job you ever had. It is not your autobiography. It is, like that haircare advert, a marketing tool. Your audience is made up of recruiters and hiring managers. Like cocktail-party guests, they do not take a long time to decide if they want to keep talking. According to one std74bec88687f0cc821de175b6d3495cb626c6a7ca6316deb0287892662021f43udy, such professionals spend an average of 7.4 seconds skimming a job application. Here are a few tips on how best to ensure that these seconds count.
The CV’s number-one task is not to put the reader off1. If you are thinking of adding a watermark with your initials think again: you are trying too hard. Use a clean, simple format and avoid fancy fonts (Arial or Helvetica are fine: Century Gothic is not).
简历的首要任务是不要让招聘人员失去浏览的兴趣。要是考虑在简历上加上带有你名字缩写的水印,那请三思:这么做有些过了。简历排版应整洁、简单,不要用花哨的字体(Arial或Helvetica可以接受,但Century Gothic不行)。
Adding colour does not mean using a teal background. Nor does it mean using purple prose2. Cliché can be a reason you are passed over for an interview. So can typos; spell-check and proofread over and over. You would be surprised how often someone forgets to include their name and contact details. Dispense with hackneyed descriptors (“cultivated and passionate professional!”, “a keen eye for detail”)—facts should speak for themselves. But not all facts. You may think including your ranking on “Over-Watch3” is a quirky way to illustrate how quick you are on your feet4. A recruiter may conclude that it shows you spend hours on the sofa tethered to a gaming console.
Do not hammer your CV out in an hour—take your time to polish it. Condense, filter and distil until what you are left with captures the essence of you. Anyone’s CV can fit on a page, even if you have held residencies in the world’s eight top hospitals or are Christine Lagarde5. Forget the personal statement—no one has time for that. If you spent three weeks in the summer, when you were 17 keeping the books in your uncle’s hardware store, no one needs to know that if you are now over the age of 25. The older you get, the more you should prioritize work experience over education.
Tailor your resume for every application by making the relevant tweaks and highlighting different areas. Otherwise you are like the bore who tells the same story to every person he meets. Not everyone—and not every recruiter—is interested in the same things. If you can quantify an accomplishment, do. A second-year law student who just completed his summer internship having worked on six M&A6 deals? Put that in.
Reasonable gaps in a resume are not cause for concern. Life happens and sometimes people take timmRqnjhb0zijAY/ZPiKAYSrw5aiTBVcdu3z41wqOezDA=e off; you do not have to explain that you spent three months between jobs hiking around Machu Picchu7 to clear your head and recharge your batteries. A ten-year gap from the workforce may be another matter. So might constant job-switching, which is as much of a red flag to recruiters as admitting to never having had a long-term relationship might be to a stranger at a party. But if this describes your work history then you probably have bigger problems that a CV alone, no matter how masterful, will not fix.
Once you have sent your application, refrain from emailing prospective employers to see if they received it. You risk coming across as that annoying person, who texts to see if their previous texts have got through.
In his commencement address at Kenyon College in 2005, David Foster Wallace, an American novelist, used the metaphor of fish oblivious to the element surrounding them in order to point to the dangers of the “natural, hard-wired, default setting which is to be deeply and literally self-centered”. Your life, he implied, should illustrate an acute awareness of the outside world. So should your CV. Drafting a presentation of your skills and achievements will inevitably reflect the sovereignty and self-absorption of your “skull-sized kingdom8”, as Wallace described it. So as you launch yourself into the job market follow his counsel to young graduates to try always to be aware of their place in the greater scheme of things: “This is water... this is water.9”
1 put sb off (sth/sb)使反感。 2 purple prose紫色辞藻,往往指过度修饰、夸张华丽,缺乏简洁性和直接性的语言风格。 3一款团队基础的射击游戏。 4 quick on one’s feet指非常灵活敏捷。
5法国知名律师和政治家,曾担任国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁,现任欧洲中央银行行长。 6 Mergers and Acquisitions的缩写,指公司之间通过合并(merger)或收购(acquisition)的方式进行整合的商业活动。
8 skull-sized kingdom作家戴维·福斯特·华莱士用这个形象的比喻来表达一个观点:每个人的思想和感知都局限于他们自己的脑袋,就像一个人的意识是统治着他们自己的小王国一样,这个王国的大小仅限于他们的头骨(skull)所能包含的范围,在这个王国内,个体是唯一的统治者,他们的理解和感受构成了他们体验世界的全部基础。 9出自华莱士2005年在凯尼恩学院(Kenyon College)毕业典礼上的演讲。他与听众分享了一个关于鱼和水的寓言故事,来阐述一个更广泛的观点:即我们常常对自己所处环境的本质视而不见。华莱士以此鼓励人们从自我中心的生活方式中觉醒,学会观察和欣赏我们周围的世界及事物,有意识地去认识和理解我们生活中的基本现实。