The Culture of Saving Money Around the World全球省钱文化一览

2024-12-06 00:00:00戴维·杜钦/文施慧静/译
英语世界 2024年12期

It’s a familiar feeling for many Americans: checking your bank account after a week of hard work only to wonder, “Where did my money go?” How many times have you told yourself that you really need to stop going out for that happy hour1 drink (or three), that you shouldn’t have taken an Uber when you could have taken the bus? All those miscellaneous expenses can really add up.


But for a country that loves to spend, spend, spend, the United States is not without its thrifters. For many Americans, saving money can be an art form. Clipping coupons, packing lunch from home and taking public transit are among the countless ways spending-conscious Americans try to curb their spending. Around the world, thriftiness is more ingrained in everyday culture, and many other countries fare much better than the United States when it comes to saving money. Here’s a look at spending and saving culture around the world.


Strength in numbers


A communal money-saving method that many Americans would consider novel is the tanda2, which is popular in Latin American countries and the Caribbean. It’s known by different names around the world, but its basic underlying idea is the same: when people work in tandem3 to save, everyone benefits. The system works in turns; a group of people each pitches in an agreed-upon amount to a collective pool during each turn on a specific day, which can be a payday, the first of the month, or any other stipulated time. Then, during the first turn one member of the group receives the pooled money as a payout, and then the next member receives all the money during the next turn, and so on. More money isn’t created, but it gives each person a boost every once in a while.


The notion of communal financial planning is not foreign in Kenya, either, where the harambee (Swahili for “all pull together”) is a popular tradition of community improvement. It works through a group contribution to a common cause or goal like education and resourcing—all projects that benefit the community as a whole. It may not be “saving” in the purest sense of the word, but by crowdfunding money, people hold each other accountable and can see the tangible effects of their investments.


Thinking bigger, farther ahead and beyond oneself


Indian culture—less individualistic than that of the United States and much more frugal—typically emphasizes sharing wealth and investing in the financial stability of one’s family. Parents often support their children financially even after they leave home, and the cost of weddings and dowries makes saving up all the more important.


In China, people are more focused on saving for a rainy day4. The saving culture also has a focus on taking care of one’s elders and planning for the future, like children’s education or unexpected health costs that might arise.


That’s not to say that people shouldn’t take care of their own needs, or that the United States has a perfect welfare system that allows its population to throw family values out the window5. But reframing your savings to account not only for yourself but also for your dependents and family members might make you think twice about blowing6 your paycheck on the latest gadget.


Stay within your means


When it comes to saving money, don’t buy what you can’t afford! This might sound too intuitive to even merit putting into words, but it’s an idea that many other cultures seem to grasp better than Americans do.


Take Germany, for example, where people are so averse to debt that they use cash far more than they use credit cards. The German Central Bank found that 80 percent of its citizens’ transactions are conducted with cash, compared to only 50 percent of Americans’. They’ve even got a saying, Geld stinkt nicht (“Cash doesn’t stink”), to reflect their steering clear of7 credit. And Germans are among several other European states like Belgium, Italy and Austria, where people try to shy away from8 personal debt by avoiding borrowing.


Something similar happens in Japan, where money is generally treated with respect and dignity. That means that physical currency gets the star treatment; bills are kept crisp and clean to the fullest extent they can be and are customarily given as gifts in special envelopes tied up in red. In these cultures and others, being able to visualize and control exactly how much money you’re letting go of—and treating that money with care—means there’s a lot of thought that goes into spending and, by extension, saving.


There’s plenty to learn about frugality, saving money and responsible financial planning from countries across the world. If you’re looking to spend less for your New Year’s resolution, you might want to take a page out of these cultures’ playbook9—or checkbook?



1 happy hour欢乐时光,酒吧酒水打折的时段。

2 tanda来自西班牙语,原义是“轮流、交替”。在华人社会俗称标会,也叫互助会。 3 in tandem协同地,联合地。

4 save money for a rainy day为有朝一日困难时打算,未雨绸缪。 5 throw out the window放弃,抛弃。

6 blow挥霍,浪费。 7 steer clear of 绕开,避开(令人不快或危险的人或事情)。 8 shy away from sth(因不喜欢、害怕或缺乏自信而)退缩,躲避。

9 take a page out of someone’s playbook 采纳别人的做法。

Money Saving Quotes

Do not save what is left after spending; instead spend what is left after saving.

—Warren Buffett

The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.

—T.T. Munger

Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money, and I’ll tell you what they are.

—James W. Frick