Differences Between Expats in Beijing and Shanghai京沪两地外侨的不同

2024-12-06 00:00:00蕾切尔·迪森/文黄媛/译
英语世界 2024年12期

The only difference greater than Beijing and Shanghai themselves is the people who live in them. From the locals who grew up there to the expats who have chosen to call those places home, the people typify1 the unique vibes2 of each city.


Hipster3 vs. yuppie4


To say that Beijing is a city of art and culture and Shanghai is a city of finance and fashion is doing both cities a disservic5. Sure, overall, Beijing is artsier6 and Shanghai is wealthier, but Beijing also has its share of finance bros, just as Shanghai has its share of underground musicians. Still, the stereotypes of each city draw certain crowds, leaving Beijing a bit more hipster and Shanghai a bit more yuppie.


Ni chi le ma vs. ni hao


Beijing expats have a reputation of speaking better Chinese than Shanghai expats. This is partly due to the fact that Beijing attracts those who have already learned the language and to the fact that it’s harder to get by7 in Beijing without knowing the local tongue. So many people in Shanghai know English that it’s hard for Shanghai expats to motivate themselves to break past the phrasebook8 basics.


Integrated vs. multicultural


Beijing expats are better integrated into the local life than Shanghai expats, who tend to stay in their bubble. Go to any Beijing hotpot restaurant on a Saturday night and you’re bound to see groups of friends that are mostly Chinese with just a few expats mixed in. Shanghai, on the other hand, has such a wide variety of expats that friend groups there tend to be a hodgepodge9 of many cultures and nations, not just Western/Chinese.


Craft beer vs. aperol spritz


Few things say more about the Beijing/Shanghai expat divide than their respective preferred drinks. Beijing expats can’t get enough of craft beer, and some of the best craft beer in China is made right in their front yard. Shanghai expats are more cocktail-oriented, with the Aperol spritz being a particular local favorite. If Beijing has China’s best craft beer, Shanghai has China’s best bartenders, some of whom have won international awards for the drinks they sling10.


Local eats vs. Michelin stars


One point of pride Beijing expats have is their local food scene. If you want the best Chinese food you’ve ever had in your life, chances are Beijing is the place to find it. Whether it’s Beijing roast duck cooked to perfection or Sichuan noodles spicy enough to make your taste buds explode, Beijing has it in spades11. Unfortunately, Shanghai’s street food and hole-in-the-wall12 food scenes are dying out, but replacing them is something Shanghai expats can feel good bragging about: high-end dining. The Michelin Guide13 came to Shanghai in 2016, and since then, high end and other international restaurants keep popping up, to the point that the city can gastronomically14 compete with places like New York and Singapore.


Hutong vs. lilong


One thing Beijing and Shanghai expats can agree on is that it’s incredible to live in such vibrant cities. In both places, you’ll find expats jumping at15 the chance to live in the cities’ most historical neighborhoods. For Beijing, that means the hutong, or alley streets built as early as the Yuan dynasty. In Shanghai are the charming lilong, or lanes, filled with terrace houses from the early 20th century.



1 typify成为……的典型。 2 vibe(常用复数)氛围。 3 hipster西方国家千禧年后崇尚复古和非主流的时髦青年,又称嬉普士,区别于20世纪60—70年代反抗习俗和政治的年轻人[即嬉皮士(hippie)]。 4 yuppie西方国家20世纪80—90年代高收入、高消费的年轻人,又称雅皮士。 5 do sb/sth a disservice伤害某人或某物。 6 artsy艺术的。

7 get by(勉强)过活。 8 phrasebook(供旅游者用的)外语常用语手册。 9 hodge-podge大杂烩。

10 sling用力摇,此处等于shake。 11 in spades大量的。 12 hole-in-the-wall不起眼的。 13法国轮胎制造商米其林公司出版的旅游美食指南。

14 gastronomically有关美食地;烹饪地。 15 jump at sth迫不及待地接受,欣然接受(机会、建议等)。



While you fail to serve the living well, how can you serve the ghosts? While you do not know about life, how can you know about death?


Going beyond is as wrong as falling short.


The Jisun Family was wealthier than some lords of the Kingdom of Zhou, and yet Ran Qiu further added to its wealth by all sorts of villainous means. Speaking of Ran Qiu, the Master said, “He is no disciple of mine. You pupils may beat the drum to assail him.”
