A Brief History of Vocational Education职业教育简史

2024-12-06 00:00:00凯特琳·布拉什/文陈俭贞/译
英语世界 2024年12期

Throughout history, vocational education has given students hands-on experience to prepare them for employment. Today’s vocational education is a well-developed schooling system which balances class time and work experience.


Vocational schools, also known as trade schools, career colleges, and technical colleges, train students for skills-based careers. Those interested in careers such as event planning, accounting, graphic design, plumbing, or law enforcement can study at a vocational technical school. Career and Technical Education (CTE) results in either a certificate or associate’s degree.


Students have been training for specific vocations for thousands of years, just not in the way we think of vocational education today. Women learned domestic1 skills from their mothers, and young men trained for specific trades under skilled professionals. Young apprentices, for example, may have learned to shape swords by shadowing2 the town’s bladesmith. This type of hands-on, skills-based learning has lasted throughout human history. As we have developed, so has it.


The history of career technical education (CTE) traces its origins to post-Civil War America, with the opening of the St. Louis Manual Training School in 1879 under the umbrella of3 Washington University. The school grew out of the non-traditional thinking of educator Calvin Milton Woodward, who believed that the traditional school model would struggle to address the country’s need for skilled labor4 at a time of rapid industrialization.


Rather than isolate academic and technical education, Woodward and his team sought to open a school that addressed both, educating students with both “books and tools.” It would focus particularly on skills needed for woodworking and metalworking. Students at the school did do academic work but also balanced their days with time in the workshop and learning to use various tools.


While the Manual Training School represented the first model of CTE in America, it was far from the last. The field of CTE has gone through many evolutions over the years, as educators and policymakers have searched for the best model for trade-based education.


The most notable development to U.S. vocational education came in the early 20th century. Before the Great Depression, society was industrializing. Agriculture was less lucrative, and children from rural areas were showing up to attend schools that were already overcrowded. Those schools were even less prepared for the influx of immigrants that were arriving in the United States at the same time.


Factories, on the other hand, needed laborers (and so did many in-demand trade professions). Many workplaces employed young people, but the United States passed its first child labor law in 1916, which began to limit child labor. It was no longer so widely accepted for young children to sit beside their parents and learn a trade hands on (many lobbyists deemed it unsafe and cruel). So, to help factories find skilled employees and to help schools deal with huge student bodies, U.S. high schools began to offer vocational education programs.


In 1917, the Smith-Hughes Act became the first law to authorize federal funding for vocational education programs in U.S. schools. It established vocational education as acceptable training for certain future professionals who wouldn’t need bachelor’s degrees to do their jobs, such as plumbers, mechanics, and factory workers. They completed their training in focused vocational programs associated with high schools.


According to American RadioWorks, on paper5, the creation of these Voc.Ed6 programs solved major problems (like overcrowded classrooms and the demand for a skilled workforce), but in reality, it was still problematic. Notably, the students who were assigned to vocational education programs were often immigrants or poor children from rural areas. This meant that these marginalized groups were not given a chance to study a liberal arts curriculum (which was necessary for students who planned to go on to college), even if they wanted to. Desks in the liberal arts classes at high schools continued to be reserved for middle- and upper-class white students. Underprivileged students were encouraged to learn only the skills necessary to sustain jobs, then enter the workforce as soon as possible. If they tried to change career paths later down the line7, they often found that they had little or no training in core subjects, which thereby prevented them from returning to college or switching careers.


The Perkins Act of 1990 attempted to reconcile these problems. It now provides vocational programs to young students as a way for them to start their educational careers, not limit them. Students can begin their CTE courses in high school or after obtaining their diplomas or GEDs9, and they leave prepared to either go right into a career or continue working toward a four-year degree.


While a certain untrue stigma surrounding Voc.Ed persists (namely that no student would choose CTE if he or she had other options), these programs now include school-based and work-based learning through supportive business partnerships. Many vocational programs use new technologies and web resources, such as online classes, to help their students excel in school and in the workplace.



1 domestic家庭的,家务的。

2 shadow跟随……实地学习(或参观)。 3 under the umbrella of属于……,在……范围内。 4 skilled labor熟练劳动力,指同一工种内具有丰富经验和熟练技术的生产者。

5 on paper理论上。 6 vocational education的缩略词。 7 later down the line在未来的某个时间。

8 GED = General Educational Development,等同于高中学历。