
2024-10-30 00:00:00
中学生英语·中考指导版 2024年9期

Two centuries ago, a discovery that would change our understanding of thenatural world was made. In 1824, the first scientifically described dinosaur, theMegalosaurus1, was introduced to the world by William Buckland, a geologist andpaleontologist2.

两个世纪前,一个发现改变了我们对自然世界的理解。1824 年,地质学家和古生物学家威廉·巴克兰向世人介绍了第一种被科学描述的恐龙———斑龙。

200 years ago, a tremor3 ran through the scientific world. On February 20th,1824, William Buckland presented his findings to the Geological Society ofLondon. He unveiled4 the Megalosaurus, the“monstrous5 lizard6”.

200 年前,一场震动席卷了科学界。1824 年2 月20 日,威廉·巴克兰向伦敦地质学会提交了他的发现。他揭开了斑龙(“巨大的蜥蜴”)的面纱。

Buckland’s discovery was groundbreaking. He found a partial skeleton7 inEngland. Buckland recognized these remains as belonging to a creature unlike anyknown at the time. So it required a new word to describe it: dinosaur, meaning“monstrous lizard”.


Before the Megalosaurus, the fossil8 finds were misconstrued9 as mythicalcreatures or oversized versions of existing animals. But Buckland saw somethingdifferent. He recognized the unearthed bones as belonging to a creature unlikeanything alive. His detailed analysis10 marked a crucial11 shift. It would rewrite thehistory of life on Earth.


Buckland named the creature Megalosaurus, meaning “great lizard”. Thisname reflected the animal’s size, which Buckland estimated12 to be around 9meters long—a giant compared to any animal known at the time. The nameMegalosaurus was fitting for such a groundbreaking discovery.

巴克兰将这种生物命名为斑龙,意思是“巨大的蜥蜴”。这个名字反映了这种动物的体型,巴克兰估计它大约有9 米长,与当时已知的任何动物相比都是庞然大物。斑龙这个名字对于这样一个开创性的发现来说再合适不过了。

The discovery of the Megalosaurus sparked a revolution13 in the field ofpaleontology. It played a crucial role in the development of the theory ofevolution14.


The discovery of the Megalosaurus also helped us know that the earth wasmuch older than previously thought and contributed15 to our understanding ofearth’s history.


The Megalosaurus wasn’t just a scientific breakthrough; it was also a culturalspark. Museums became treasure troves16 of these forgotten giants. Dinosaurexhibitions drew crowds, bookshelves filled with tales, and movies brought thesegiants back to life on the silver screen.


The Megalosaurus has become a symbol of scientific discovery and the questfor knowledge.


With advancements in technology and our ever-growing understanding of thenatural world, who knows what exciting discoveries await us in the next 200 years?

随着技术的进步和我们对自然世界的了解不断加深,谁知道在未来200 年里还有什么令人兴奋的发现等着我们呢?

第六章 对人的热爱
Chapter 6 For the love of a man 第六章 对人的热爱
Chapter 4 The new lead-dog第四章新的头犬
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