【摘要】目的:分析胎儿肾脏回声增强的超声表现,总结其与遗传学检查结果异常的关系。方法:产前超声检查发现肾脏回声增强,经患者及其家属知情同意,遗传学检查使用染色体微阵列分析技术(chromosomal microarray analysis,CMA)或全外显子组测序技术(whole exome sequencing, WES)产前诊断的60例胎儿。分析肾脏回声增强的产前超声表现,统计遗传学检查结果异常的检出率,分析胎儿肾脏回声增强与其相关性。结果:60例产前肾脏回声增强胎儿中,其中单纯性与非单纯性基因检测异常检出率差异性无统计学意义(P>0.05)。异常结果中异常检出率较高的为17q12微缺失综合征、13-三体综合征等。结论:60例产前肾脏回声增强胎儿中非单纯性检出率高于单纯性,基因检测结果异常中17q12微缺失综合征检出率较高。产前检出肾脏回声增强在一定程度上可预测胎儿基因检测异常的风险,其中COL1A1基因杂合变异及Sotos综合征与肾脏回声增强的相关性未找到相关报道,仍待进一步研究。
Correlation analysis between echogenic enhancement of the fetal kidney and abnormal genetic examination results
GAO Yuan, ZHU Haohui
Xinxiang Medical College, Xinxiang, Henan 453003, China
【Abstract】Objective:To analyze the ultrasound manifestations of fetal renal echogenic enhancement and summarize its relationship with abnormal genetic examination results.Methods:Prenatal ultrasound examination showed enhanced renal echogenicity,and with the informed consent of patients and their families,genetic examination was performed using chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) or whole exome sequencing (WES) of 60 fetuses diagnosed prenatally.The prenatal ultrasound manifestations of renal echo enhancement were analyzed,the detection rate of abnormal genetic examination results was statistically analyzed,and the correlation between fetal renal echo enhancement and it was analyzed.Results:Among the 60 cases of fetuses with prenatal renal echo enhancement,there was no significant difference in the detection rate of abnormal genetic examination between simple and non-simple (P>0.05).Among the abnormal results,the abnormal detection rate was higher in 17q12 microdeletion syndrome,trisomy 13,etc.Conclusion:The detection rate of non-simplex fetuses with enhanced renal echo in 60 prenatal cases was higher than that of simplex fetuses,and the detection rate of 17q12 microdeletion syndrome was higher in the abnormal genetic test results.Prenatal detection of enhanced renal echogenicity can predict the risk of abnormal fetal genetic testing to a certain extent,and the correlation between heterozygous variants in COL1A1 gene and Sotos syndrome and renal echogenicity enhancement has not been reported,and further research is still needed.
【Key?Words】Ultrasonic examination; Prenatal; Enhanced fetal kidney echo; Genetic examination; Whole exon; CMA
1.1 研究对象
1.2 研究方法
1.2.1 纳入标准:①胎儿肾脏回声增强,表现为肾脏回声高于自身肝脏及脾脏回声;②获得CMA和/或WES检测结果。
1.2.2 分组:根据有无合并其他异常分为单纯性肾脏回声增强及非单纯性肾脏回声增强。
1.2.3 超声诊断方法:
1.2.4 遗传学检查及临床处理:
1.3 统计学分析
采用SPSS 27.0统计学软件进行数据分析。计数资料采用(%)表示,进行x2检验,计量资料采用(x±s)表示,进行t检验,P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。
胎儿肾脏回声增强表现为肾脏回声高于肝脏及脾脏回声,可能与严重的肾脏疾病相关[5]。胎儿肾脏回声增强的病因有染色体疾病(9-三体综合征、13-三体综合征等)、基因组疾病(Wiedemann Beckwith综合征、17q12微缺失综合征)和单基因疾病(多囊肾病、肾小球囊性肾病、肾囊肿和糖尿病综合征、巴德特·比德尔综合征、代谢疾病等),也可为正常变异[2]。
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