Emerging Business Models Offer Opportunities to the World

2024-08-21 00:00:00TianXiao
China Pictorial 2024年8期

Online exhibitions,virtual industrialparks, unmannedsupermarkets,contactless services, work fromhome... In recent years, propelledby the rapid development ofdigital technology and thedigital economy, new businessformats and models haveemerged in China. They havechanged domestic consumption,circulation, trade patterns, andbusiness operation modes ofenterprises as well as individualproduction and lifestyles,injecting new momentum intoeconomic growth. Amongthem, the new business modelof conducting e-commerceacross national borders hasbecome a vital force in China’sforeign trade and an importanttrend in international tradedevelopment. In the first quarterof 2024, China’s cross-bordere-commerce exports accountedfor more than seven percentof the country’s total exports.Leveraging the strengths of thecountry’s strong industrialand supply chains, Chineseenterprises have goneglobal through internationale-commerce platforms suchas Amazon. At the sametime, many local cross-bordere-commerce platforms haveemerged in China and nowserve as important channelsfor Chinese enterprises toenter the international marketand for quality goods fromall over the world to enter theChinese market. Cross-bordere-commerce has also promotedthe development of new businessformats and models in Chinasuch as cross-border digitalpayments, cross-border logistics,big data marketing for foreigntrade, AI-powered e-commerce,and livestreaming e-commerce.

These new business modelshave fostered tremendouschanges in China’s economy andprovided more opportunitiesfor countries worldwide tostrengthen cooperation in thefield of digital commerce, therebystabilizing their economies andtrade. In particular, as the world’slargest trading nation in goodsand second-largest in services,China serves as a primary tradingpartner for over 140 countriesand regions globally. With itsmanufacturing sector accountingfor nearly 30 percent of itseconomy and contributing morethan a third of global economicgrowth, China has become apivotal player on the global stage.The innovative developmentof China’s business models hasessentially installed a new enginefor the world economy, propellingit towards rapid growth.