Energy Innovation Opens a Green Future

2024-08-21 00:00:00MoQian
China Pictorial 2024年8期

Aseries of globallyleading projectssuch as the BaihetanHydropower Stationand nuclear power units usingHualong One, a domesticallydesigned third-generation nuclearreactor, have been completed andput into operation in succession.China has implemented a seriesof strategic measures includingunleashing advanced coalproduction capacity, enhancingoil and gas exploration, andbuilding a new-type power system.China’s “new trio” of electricvehicles, lithium batteries, andphotovoltaic (PV) products hasgained immense popularity in theinternational market, providinghigh-quality and efficient newenergy equipment and productsfor the global community.

Across the past decade, Chinahas implemented an innovationdrivendevelopment strategy,prioritizing green and low-carbongrowth, energy conservation,and emissions reduction. Ithas actively promoted thedevelopment of emergingindustries such as new energystorage and hydrogen energy andadhered to green and low-carbondevelopment to addressecological and environmentalchallenges. As a result, China hasachieved significant scientificand technological innovationsincluding ultra-high-voltagepower transmission projects,advanced nuclear power projects,new energy technologies, millionkilowatthydropower turbineunits, a four million tons/yearcoal indirect liquefaction project,the self-developed ultra-deepwatergas field Deep Sea No. 1, andfully mechanized smart mining ofultra-thick coal seams.

According to the annualmarket report Renewable Energy2023 released by the IXXRBsgbxDdE4Zo3YbkS142mEjYpT0dxLC34bUQ+rdU8=nternationalEnergy Agency, China’s newlyinstalled capacity for windenergy in 2023 increased by66 percent compared to 2022,and its newly installed solar PVcapacity for 2023 was equivalentto the global total in 2022. Thereport noted that China’s rolewill be critical in reaching theglobal goal of tripling renewablesbecause the country is expectedto install more than half of thenew capacity required globally by2030.

On December 4, 2023,Fatih Birol, executive directorof the International EnergyAgency, said at a side eventheld at the China Pavilionduring the 28th session of theConference of Parties (COP28) tothe United Nations FrameworkConvention on ClimateChange that with excellentprogress in developing solar andwind power, electric vehicles andpower batteries, China is alreadya world champion in clean energy.

Today, China has built theworld’s largest power supplysystem and clean powergeneration system as it embracesan increasingly important role inglobal energy transformation.