The Confidence and Strength of the Chinese Economy

2024-08-21 00:00:00MoQian
China Pictorial 2024年8期

China’s economy has longbeen open to the outsideworld and flavored withan inclusive attitudeand win-win cooperation. Overthe past decade-plus, China hasactively participated in globaleconomic governance and formeda joint force for openness withother countries around the world.Adhering to a principle of seekingmutually beneficial collaborationand win-win outcomes, it hasconstantly expanded commoninterests with the rest of the worldand deepened economic and tradecooperation with foreign countriesunder the Belt and Road Initiative.

China has never beenconnected with the rest of theworld as closely as it is today.

China is opening its doorwider to the outside world. Frombroadening market access andaccelerating the opening ofthe modern services sector toproviding the same high-qualityservices to foreign-fundedenterprises as domestic firmsreceive, strengthening intellectualproperty protection, andsafeguarding the legitimaterights of foreign investors,China has consistently promotedhigh-standard opening upand shared its developmentopportunities and dividendswith countries around the world.

The steady growth of theChinese economy has playeda significant role in propellingthe global economic recovery.Since 2013, China’s annualcontribution to world economicgrowth has hovered at around30 percent. According to theestimates from the InternationalMonetary Fund, for everypercentage point of higher growthin China, the spillover effect to therest of the world measures about0.3 percentage points.

With the deepening ofhigh-standard opening up andcontinuous release of the potentialof its massive market, Chinais striving to achieve commondevelopment with the rest of theworld, penning wonderful storiesof win-win cooperation.