Sui and Tang Dynasties:Flourishing Culture and Lasting Peace

2024-08-21 00:00:00ZhangJingwenTianXiao
China Pictorial 2024年6期

After three centuriesof division,warfare, andamalgamation ofdiverse ethnicities andbeliefs, Chinese civilizationachieved a second major unityduring the Sui (581-618) andTang (618-907) dynasties.Expansive territories, advancedproduction techniques,increased cultural diversity, andformidable national strengthhelped the Tang Dynasty leavean indelible mark on history.

The magnificence of theera is apparent in the GildedIron-cored Copper Dragon,a testament to exquisitecraftsmanship and artisticfinesse, vividly portrayingthe essence of the Chinesedragon. Murals such asPalace Maidservants and PoloMatch , found in Tang tombs,showcase royal elegance and acosmopolitan social ambiance.The Tri-colored Glazed PotteryPerformers on Camelback, theAgate Rhyton Inlaid with GoldPlug, and many gold and silverartifacts show foreign influencein craftsmanship whilepreserving invaluable recordsof cultural exchange along theSilk Road.

In the thriving TangDynasty, Chinese civilization,characterized by openness andingenuity, wrote a brilliantchapter in human history.