Southern and Northern Dynasties:Integration Amid Conflict

2024-08-21 00:00:00ZhangJingwenTianXiao
China Pictorial 2024年6期

The era of the WeiDynasty (220-265),Jin Dynasty(265-420), SouthernDynasties (420-589), andNorthern Dynasties (439-581)stands out in Chinese historyfor frequent shifts in power asconflict and integration bothplayed pivotal roles.

The Multi-facet Jet Sealby Dugu Xin, recountingthe legendary saga of “threeempresses in one family,”symbolizes the trend of ethnicamalgamation. The StoneTomb Door and Stone Couchwith Three-sided Screen,with exquisite painting andcarving techniques, portrayexchange along the Silk Road.The Gilded Bronze Buddhaand Bodhisattva Statues fromthe Northern Zhou Dynasty(557-581) testify to thewidespread dissemination ofBuddhist culture in China.

Through ruptures andreconciliations, Chinesecivilization adopted freshtraits that nurtured reneweddynamism during the period.