Out of the Caves:The Cradle of Civilization

2024-08-21 00:00:00ZhangJingwenTianXiao
China Pictorial 2024年6期

Located north of theQinling Mountainsand along the middlereaches of the YellowRiver, Shaanxi is one of thefirst places in the world to hosthuman activity.

Its land has preservedevidence of the vibrant“childhood” of the Chinesenation: Discovery of the Skullof Lantian Man extends thetimeline of human activity inthis area by more than a millionyears. Meticulously craftedartifacts evidence the genesisand evolution of early culturalsites, and painted decorationsand symbols on pottery narratethe ancient journey towards theagricultural era.

Shaanxi’s landscape isimbued with a profoundand enduring vitality, whichemerged in primitive times toadvance alongside the sproutsof civilization.