I truly believe education2 comes inmany forms3, not just schools. That iswhy I love the idea of a“gap year”.
For many young men and women,once high school is finished, or close toit, it’s time to think about what’s next.In the past, going to college the followingfall was always “the right thing to do”.Things are changing as more students aretaking a year off between high school andcollege, known as a“gap year”.
Many parents might be not happywith this idea, and in this case, it’sunderstandable4. It can be scary havinga child not know what they’re doing.They will feel afraid and worried and thenthey might not go to school at all. It’shard for some parents to understandpeople who don’t go to college. Despite5these worries, I believe a gap year can bequite rewarding6 for those who take it.
Why taking a gap year is a great idea?
It Helps Students to Relax
One reason to take time off beforecollege is to relax. Let’s be honest7, highschool is a stressful8 place. There are manytests, homework and the worry over havingthe high grades and after-school activities forcollege applications9. The students shouldchoose the right college for a future10 job.When June comes, graduates can lift theirheads out of water at last. They canbreathe11 again. By taking some time off,young men and women can think of whatthey want to do. Then they can go intocollege feeling refreshed12 and energized13about the new journey they’re taking.
It Saves Money
By taking the time to go out, studentslearn more about the world, as well asthemselves. They will have a better idea ofwhat to study in school. Knowing what youwant to get a degree14 in collage can saveboth time and money. If you change yourmajor15 some times, you will spend moretime and much more money in college.
It Offers Real World Experience16
Taking a gap year needs to thinkand plan before you go. You need themboth when you get a job. Students mustfind out what they can choose from andchoose what they like to do. Whatchoices are there? Taking part in aninteresting internship17 or traveling theworld (choices that would make it to thetop of my gap year activity list). Thereare also many chances for Englishspeaking students to live in other countries.Often you can make money byteaching students English, and you get to"learn and live in a different country. Youmay learn a new language at the same time.All of these experiences are very helpfulwhen you look for a job in future as theyteach skills no classroom can.
Today, there are so many chances forfreshly18 graduated students and young people,that sitting around doing nothing isn’twhat most do. I would encourage19 studentsand parents to stop stressing20 and startthinking about all the chances in this world.A gap year can be a great year!
Would you think about taking a year offbetween high school and college?