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I used to work as a teacher atBeijing Union University and ampresently employed at the Belt &Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX), anon-profit association established inStockholm. We conduct research onthe Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) andthe economic and strategic significanceit has for Sweden and Europe ingeneral. I read the book review titled,“BRI: A Chinese Solution to GlobalDevelopment” in the recent May issueof China Today . It is very informativein introducing impressive projectsin Asia, Europe, Africa, and LatinAmerica. Through dialogues withscholars, officials, and project managers,the book Path of Hope: The GlobalImpact of the Belt and Road Initiativeexplores the socio-economic impact ofthe BRI projects on their host countries.It offers good examples that helpSwedish people better understand theBRI. Another article from China Todaythat would be very helpful to foreignersis “Digital Payments Bring BetterTravel Experience in China” publishedin the June issue. It is good to see thatChina is taking steps to make it easierfor international visitors to makemoney transactions for purchases inthe country. I would love to tell mySwedish friends the news that mobilepayments are available in mostpayment scenarios now in China. Forexample, payments through overseasbank cards are accepted if the card hasbeen linked with certain apps, and ewalletsof some nations and regionscan be directly used for payments inChina. I think a detailed presentationon how to handle e-payments in Chinawill make their travels there muchmore convenient.
Thomas Karlsson
I am deputy secretarygeneralof the ShanghaiCooperation Organization(SCO). I like readingChina Today s reports onits official website andFacebook page, for I see itas an authentic and authoritativeresource of thelatest information aboutChinas development andthe lives of its people. Forexample, an article titled,“Transition to Green, LowcarbonDevelopment” inChina Today s May issuegives insights into Chinasvisionary goal of greendevelopment, providingconcrete cases in differentregions across China thatare taking actions to achievethe green transformation. Ihave learned a lot from thetangible progress of Baotouin Inner Mongolia AutonomousRegion and Tangshanin Hebei Province – twoenergy-intensive cities innorth China which are beingtransformed into green cities.These cases have helpedme better understand howdevelopment and environmentalprotection can gohand in hand. Other SCOcountries look forward todeepening cooperation withChina in ecological and environmentalprotection andpursuing economic growthin the long run.
Nuran Niyazaliev