Meet the Animals That Live Longer than Humans来认识下比人类长寿的动物吧

2024-06-17 00:00:00肖雅琪
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2024年4期

Some people say life is short. Others say it is the longest thing we’ll ever do.The longest a human has ever lived is 122 years, according to Guinness WorldRecords2. But did you know that there are a few animals that can live even longerthan we do?

有人说人生短暂,还有人说这是我们能做的最长久的一件事情。根据吉尼斯世界纪录,人类最长寿命为122 岁。但是你知道有一些动物比我们活得还长吗?

The giant tortoise3 is one of the most famous old animals. According toGuinness, a Seychelles giant tortoise is the oldest living land animal. He is olderthan 190. A parrot4 called Cookie was thought to be 83 when he died in the US in2016. Cookie is thought to be the oldest bird ever. And according to Guinness, achimpanzee5 named Cheeta made it to the age of 80.

巨型陆龟是最著名的长寿动物之一。根据吉尼斯纪录,塞舌尔巨型陆龟是现存最长寿的陆地动物,它有190 多岁了。2016 年,一只名叫库奇的鹦鹉在美国去世,享年83 岁。库奇被认为是有史以来最长寿的鸟。根据吉尼斯纪录,一只名叫契塔的黑猩猩活到了80 岁。

But for the really old animals, we have to look under the sea. The oldestanimal ever found is estimated6 to be 507 years old, Guinness says. It wassomething called a quahog clam7, found in 2006 on the seabed close to Iceland.At first, researchers8 looked at the rings on the shell and estimated that itwas about 405 years old, but later people found that it was actually morethan 500! That means it was sitting on the seabed in the early 16th century! Coldwater seems to help some animals live for hundreds of years, scientists9 say. But youthink that’s old? There’s also a type of small jellyfish10 that can make its body youngagain when needed—which might make it able to live forever!

但是说到真正长寿的动物,我们就必须去海底寻找了。吉尼斯称,迄今发现最长寿的动物估计有507 岁,是2006 年在冰岛附近海底发现的一种叫做圆蛤的物种。起初,研究人员看着贝壳上的年轮估计它大约有405 岁,但后来人们发现它实际上超过了500 岁!这意味着它自16 世纪初就躺在海底了!科学家们说,冷水似乎能帮助一些动物存活数百年。但你觉得那就算长寿了吗?还有一种小水母可以在需要的时候让躯体恢复年轻———这可能让它长生不老!



1. human 人;人类

2. Guinness World Record 吉尼斯世界纪录

3. giant tortoise 巨型陆龟

4. parrot 鹦鹉

5. chimpanzee 黑猩猩

6. estimate 估计;判断

7. quahog clam 圆蛤

8. researcher 研究人员

9. scientist 科学家

10. jellyfish 水母;海蜇

Guinness World Records吉尼斯世界纪录
Guinness World Records吉尼斯世界纪录
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